Well done, Gaétan Pouliot. You got the truth out and what was the result?

"This is an "unreasonable practice of medicine" and "at great expense" for the people who consulted him, says Dr. Daniel Tardif, deputy syndic of the College of Physicians, in a confidential letter detailing this affair.

The deputy syndic emphasizes that the practices of Scientology have nevertheless "long been questioned" as demonstrated by the Enquête report.

The scientific basis of the purification program does not exist and is even likely to put the mental health of some people at risk. "

However, the Collège will not file a complaint against Dr. Christian Fortin and intends to close the file.


Well done Gaetan, and well done Radio Canada. True public service in action. But the Purif goes on and the Clampire is still trading on bullshite.

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Excellent work in Canada! Let's put the matter of a patient stopping their medical treatment, on starting the quackery peddled by the criminal organisation known as the "church" of $cientology, in front of a judge and jury and ask if they are seeing "practising medicine without a license," because that's what it looks like to me.

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All of Scientology really counts as practicing medicine without a license.

From the quack psychotherapy to the quack and dangerous Purification Rundown, every part of it violates the rules of public decency. A sweat lodge therapist got in trouble when some of his followers died of heat exhaustion - why doesn't Narconon get shut down when its students die on campus?

No First Amendment in Canada for them to hide behind.

I guess it is really as Hubbard said, their best protection is the sheer unbelievability of the truth. Nobody can believe that such things actually go on with civilized people in the 21st century.

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I attended 2 out of 5 Sea Org days while in the Sea Org. Those and the 1 bosun party i attended were the best days i ever had in the Sea Org. I recall playing softball and basketball during one SO day and having a blast finally playing sports which i spent most of my youth doing. We had a great bbq with sides and plenty to drink. We had a dinner and ball later that night near LAX. I can’t recall the other SO Day other than good memories.

3 of the 5 SO days i was on a mission and not near PAC.

The bosun party was a night of drinking beer and eat bar food. It was reminiscent of a college party without the possibility of having sex although I’m sure that occurred. The risk of an RPF assignment limited my sex drive. 😂

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Thank you Gaétan Pouliot for all that you and your team have done. Thank you!

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All I can picture is a group of POWs being paraded out into the light and squinting at the bright sunlight. I hope they got a few hours of enforced fun or at least found a place to take a good nap. I find it funny not funny that even Scientology holy of holy day must be celebrated in shifts to keep the stats up.

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Fascinating that the Seaborg slaves get one day off a year of shear celebration, where they might get real gourmet food and can actually have fun.

It’s a well known fact that workers who are given a full day off every week are more productive. I figure that the way SO are driven, they operate at about 60% efficiency. Anyone have any statistics on this?

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Aug 20Edited

I did the Purification Rundown in Toronto in 1982. It wasn't fun, especially with the high dosages of niacin we were required to take. The doctor who examined me to authorize starting the program was also in Scientology. I didn't realize at the time that he was putting his reputation and practice in jeopardy by authorizing the Purification Rundown. I imagine a program like this would have to be approved by the Canadian Medical Association.

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The sea Org days I went to were at S.O. orgs, like ASHO in LA, CLO EUS in New York, and the INT Base outside of Hemet, CA — these were one-day celebrations only. Usually would go swimming, play sports, and drink it up.

I'll be very interested to hear if the Flag public was invited; that doesn't sound like a Sea Org event. I wonder what Mr. Scavage is up to. The party needs to be for Sea Org members only so they can let loose for a few hours; after all, we only have Christmas and Sea Org day off, two days a period.

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Excellent to get info from Peter and Mike, and it makes sense. The production angle stretching it out several days, and then additional use of the tents and setups, woe to the "OT teens" who are number one prey to be recruited into Sea Org.


Maybe needed, some kind of ad, slick ad, put together by ex 30 year plus quitters of the Sea Org, warning what Sea Org life is like, with Miscavige close advisors/execs vets telling what life at the top is really like, a big Sea Org don't join warning video, to show locally or share at least locally so all the second and third gen "teens" don't make the mistake of signing Sea Org contracts, etc.

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Aug 20
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Great observation and question.

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