Mary Sue was, in my mind, a tragic figure rather than a villain. She, like many of us, seduced by Hubbard’s words, did what he asked unquestioningly. She took the fall for following his orders and was then banished by him for remaining loyal. That alone speaks volumes as to LRH’s character (or lack thereof).

She was an object lesson of what happens to anyone on the front lines of scientology. There will always have to be someone to throw under the bus when things go awry. This is why she had to be hidden.

It appears that Miscavige has taken it so far that pretty soon there will be no sycophants to throw under the bus. I hope that is his downfall.

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"megalomaniac narcissistic asshole" is a perfect description of Lroon. Well said Bruce. Bruce Hines is one of my heroes, as are all of the exs who speak out.

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Thank you Bruce. This is a fascinating read. Mostly I am struck by your stillness of heart when you write about MSH, "In all those hours that I spent with her, I could sense, despite everything, the good in her. She was not the only one to fall under the spell of a cult and its charismatic, narcissistic, sociopathic leader. So many of us also did. We are imperfect humans."

Thank you for your account of your time with Mary Sue Hubbard. Having been in since 1973 and out in 2013, I can relate to so much of this "historical" time.

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Hi Jim! I remember you well! Thank you so much for the kind words!

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Bruce may not remember me, but in late 1984 he audited me briefly at Flag. He had a very gentle demeanor, so I could see how he would be good for someone like Mary Sue. I was somewhat spun in then after my divorce and its aftermath, and Bruce pulled out a correction list, something to do with PTSness if I recall. Something read on the meter about other universes or something of that sort, and whatever it was finally blew. Still have a very fond memory of that win and the relief it gave me, and don't even know if Bruce really knew what he did, because I don't think I ever saw him again. So, belatedly, thank you Bruce! Jim Jackson

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