They burned her son’s baby pictures and all his gifts to her. In a bonfire. And made her watch.

Scientology is always, always, always worse than you think.

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It is a true satanic church

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Mucho mas peor que eso...

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I started reading this and then stopped. I have to return later to finish reading it.

Just floored by and utterly pissed off by the relentless, intentional criminality and cruelty of this "church" and its cowardly pimping pope.

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This is in my opinion is the power of Scientology brainwashing. The stories of the victims of Scientology are horrific and once exposed motivate people to action.. I want to look at the other side of the coin. The intense and persistent brainwashing turns sea org members and staff into perpetrators of unimaginable crimes. In simple terms Scientology creates robotic beings capable of continued destructive, criminal activities. It’s a perfect hamster wheel of EVIL. Perpetrator/victim, Perpetrator/victim,Perpetrator/victim..............

The answer to dealing with an organization like this is exposure and legal action repeated over and over till the organization is closed down due to public shunning and financial collapse. Thanks to lawyers like Graham this is happening. Thanks to Tony for continuing to expose the horrendous crimes of Hubbards cult. And The Beat Goes On!

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Much love and respect to Graham Berry.

Tick tock, bouffanted sociopathic pimping homunculus!

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To burn someone’s personal effects against their will and made to watch seems like a crime to me.

COS tortured this woman her entire life. This is tax exempt organization is guilty of many forms of abuse. Their front groups are all lies and LRH designed Dianetics and COS to extort money from cult followers.

I hope the straw is the elder abuse and Miscavige and his minions go to prison for life!

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Graham Berry, if you need money to press any lawsuit or to help Rosemary, I would happily send a few bucks or set up a go fund me. Why aren't the legal authorities jumping all over this?

I had an uncle living in LA who was being taken for money by 2 young people who were supposedly helping the old man with his daily chores. The police got involved very quickly and arrested the scumbags. Why aren't they all over this case?

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I watched Mike and Claire's You Tube posts regarding Rosemary this week and was reduced to tears, stunned and disgusted. This woman gave them her all for decades, yet she was just another piece of meat to them.

Sexually abused, financially abused and then left to die because they used her up physically. Thankfully, her son never gave up on his Mother and was able to rescue her. I hope she lives out her remaining days in comfort, knowing her son and family loves her. I pray Graham Berry's demand letter gets results for Rosemary, so she may have some peace in this lifetime.

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Perhaps the ongoing grand jury investigation of scientology in Los Angeles(open since 2018, if I remember correctly?)that Tony alluded to during the Masterson trial is collecting the kind of data found in today's post?

Anyway, I finally came back and read the whole thing. Daaaaaamn!

The "most ethical group on the planet", eh? OT (Obstinate Terrorist) level criminality, cruelty, and remorseless predation.

Meanwhile, 4 foot 13 has private chefs, private jets, offshore accounts, custom made shoes...and no home address, because...he's invisible and nowhere to be found, like any true international crime boss. Process servers? Pah, get the fuck outta here, I'm tone 40 about this intergallactic gangsta shit! Mind on my money, money on my mind, keepin' my slaves isolated and focused on their grind. Ghengis Khan? Adolf Hitler? Idi Amin? Punk-ass bitches compared to the great, oh-so-theta Captain Bitchslap Macallan!


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Rosmary's story is overwhelming; It is impossible for this world to be just a jungle. There must necessarily be something behind this life. Government agencies, they should take action on this, right? I don't understand anything. The informative power of this extensive and detailed

article, should make the prosecution act ex officio, right? because violations of all kinds for decades are evident, and compensation is impossible, for so much gravity and human suffering.

This article you should sent to key people and institutions in the country, and institutions in the world, because reading it without bringing tears to your eyes is impossible,

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The case of Rosmary, it is understood, although impressive, is 'just' one more case... but a very significant example of what is common in: 'the thing'...

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This criminal cult loudly accuses its critics as "all criminals" while its sordid brutal conduct is within.

Daily conduct.

Tony Ortega did a fabulous summary detailing their financial irregularities and viciousness on its elderly

who has served them in slave labor for decades.


Depraved conduct masquerading as a "church".

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As usual, outstanding work from barrister Berry. So many ex Scientologists that Graham has helped and still, the con goes on under the noses of the IRS and both state and federal regulators. The regging. The extortion. The wire fraud. The coercion. The Separations. The elder abuse. And the list goes on.

I hope Rosemary got a pile from them and can focus on her family and recovery from all the PTSD.

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I am not crying, it is just raining on my face.

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An overwhelming true story of "hell" and now "heaven" for Rosemary.

Thank you, Tony and Graham Berry!

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this has to be stopped.

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So you see, Hubbard's intent was to manipulate and defraud individuals of their money, their self worth, their private goals and dreams, their very life energy, all for his benefit. And this evil goal has bred more evil by his minions and successors. His creations attract criminals and abusers. And they then have free reign to commit crimes against and abuse those who are seeking help and relief from what they think as a humanitarian "church." Scientology, Dianetics and it's entire slate of organizations will always, always devolve into snake pits of scum and villainy that prey on those who want help or salvation. The ones who rise to the top are the most clever criminals and psychopaths. They have no compassion or recognition of the injury they cause as they exploit those who only want help and relief from their troubles.

The greatest mistake of the United States Government and the Internal Revenue Service was to grant this corrupt organization and all it's branches tax exempt status as a "religion." They have effectively made this criminal enterprise above the law by virtue of this status. It never deserved this status. It was always a cynical and transparent strategy to evade the law of the land and public policy by playing the "religion card."

It is time to pull that card and name it for what it is: A criminal organization that engages in continual criminal conduct against it's members, society, governments and the world at large.

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And as more and more people speak out about their own experiences of abuse, and more and more attorneys are willing to take on these cases , and the media ceases to be intimidated into silence, the truth of this organization and it’s role in so many illegal acts is being revealed. I hope to see the tax exempt status reviewed and revoked in my lifetime. So much love and respect to those who are helping to fight the fight. Once again I say, you can believe anything that you want to believe, but you cannot DO anything that you want to do to others.

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