Picture is a thousand words. The Mark Fisher and Janis Gillham Grady interview with Stu Moreau on the YouTube Peeling the Onion show, is excellent, I hope more ex Apollo vets who lived in LRH's entourage tell all the details.

Gerry Armstrong has given loads of info over the years of all the details. Lois Reisdorf has given loads of details too.

When I got out at the end of my 27 years in Sea Org (75 to 03) I was absolutely drawn to read ALL I could about the Apollo people and top LRH entourage people of the landing period in US of LRH's.

I barely was a newbie to Sea Org, in Dec 19-20 of 1975, came to the Fort Harrison in Clearwater, we all got the briefing from the Guardian's Office how to play act being "United Churches of Florida", but the Apollo vets were all old hands, and knew all of the norms how to behave and speak and retain "security" about things. The EPF was disbanded, the RPF was disbanded, for the landing period. So us Sea Org newbies went right into courses and then posts, no EPF even, back at that exact point. LRH had disbanded the RPF, and then next summer finally assigned some of his entourage members to it, Gerry and Terri were the new next RPF gen, what a travesty nonsense humiliating thing the RPF was and always has been.

So many details of how to make a whole group of people play act along with whatever LRH's view of reality was, it was a moving operation in a unique bubble world, a fake world, following Hubbard's framework of things.

It's so good to hear Russell Miller's simple explaining things.

I'm so glad journalists and outside writers have explained how this all looked and transpired.

Endless thanks to those that today come up with photos, since they provide thousands of words, to events.

I hate that phrase "the great thetan" for Hubbard, it is so inherently condescending in irony, but it's true. Hubbard got a lot of idiots to follow him around, I strove to support those that did follow him around, while he dribbled out his "tech" (the quackery pseudo-therapy and exorcism nonsense which addresses all humans' "cases" we mentally drag along with us, supposedly, and which the Hubbard "tech" supposedly alleviates, it's just quackery and is all just placebo and psychosomatically beneficial at best, I think John Sweeney's single condemnation of the Scientology "tech" is to call it rubbish).

But the small elite people in the Hubbard entourage, I love hearing all stories and seeing all the photos to events.

Grateful especially to outsiders who help get this crazy story out.

Chuck Beatty

idiot newbie Sea Orger at Flag Clearwater starting 20 Dec 1975, and quit finally in LA in March 29-30 in 2003, out of the PAC RPF, sheesh, what a nutty waste of decades that was

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Only Monty Python could do justice to the King Arthur Motor Court. Because it was a very silly place. I like the fake balconies on the side of the King Arthur, no door to it, so how can anyone do a soliloquy from there? Leave it to Lron to out himself and then go into total panic mode and bravely run away.

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Oh geez. I’m such an important science fiction writer bragety brag brag. It’s a shame when his need for recognition won out over his need for staying hidden. This is the person we, as followers, worshipped. A man who was incapable of even playing his own cloak and dagger game.

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Hubbard created a raft of conspiracy theories to hid the fact he was behind numerous criminal activities. It was interesting to read how he ran for the hills when he was discovered in Florida.

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When we last visited Pasadena we looked at the site where Jack Parsons and Hubbard had lived. The house had long since been torn down so there really wasn’t anything to see and I could not detect any lingering magical energy from their occult activity. The Pasadena story is interesting but the visuals at King Arthur’s Court are far better.

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A local photographer… his golden Cadillac.

Dying, here

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It is always intriguing to find existing properties that verify historic accounts. Americans don't have a great appreciation of the past, and tend to tear things down without a second thought.

I do have one quibble with Russell Miller's account. He states, "...they headed across the Florida panhandle on Route 4 in the direction of Orlando." While Route 4 does, indeed, head from Dunedin to Orlando, it is nowhere near the Florida panhandle, which is many miles to the north. Miller being a British author, we can forgive him a lapse in accuracy in service to a colorful turn of phrase...

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