I have to assume that all that increase in $cieno numbers is actually just the foreign workers that were brought in to run $cieno operations there. Isn't Ireland lucky to have such a nice bunch of immigrants.
Ok jury, get to it and give Masterson his verdict. It is long past time he was held responsible for his crimes. I wonder who 'leaked that info? I smell a rotten clam in the linguini.
*Scientology's leader, the bestest ecclesiastical leader on the planet, the one who is SINGLE-HANDEDLY preserving and advancing El Wrong Blowhard's flawless, universe-saving dreck for the benefit of ALL life forms, NEVER LIES. You simply misunderstand the awesome power of his postulates; what he envisions, transpires. It's that simple. The physical universe is merely lagging just a wee bit in its duplication of
In this brief breath of whole track hustling, millions more shall be added to his offshore accounts, word!
#Pimpology and The Power of Postulates
#Broke-ass Bitches on Teegeeack
#The Scientologists' Rhetorical Question:" ¿Quien es tu papi?"(SLAP!)
I have to assume that all that increase in $cieno numbers is actually just the foreign workers that were brought in to run $cieno operations there. Isn't Ireland lucky to have such a nice bunch of immigrants.
Ok jury, get to it and give Masterson his verdict. It is long past time he was held responsible for his crimes. I wonder who 'leaked that info? I smell a rotten clam in the linguini.
Thanks so much for the morning chuckle, Tony. Characterizing the growth in Ireland as a "groundswell" was a priceless word choice.
But, but, but...Tony O!
*Scientology's leader, the bestest ecclesiastical leader on the planet, the one who is SINGLE-HANDEDLY preserving and advancing El Wrong Blowhard's flawless, universe-saving dreck for the benefit of ALL life forms, NEVER LIES. You simply misunderstand the awesome power of his postulates; what he envisions, transpires. It's that simple. The physical universe is merely lagging just a wee bit in its duplication of
In this brief breath of whole track hustling, millions more shall be added to his offshore accounts, word!
#Pimpology and The Power of Postulates
#Broke-ass Bitches on Teegeeack
#The Scientologists' Rhetorical Question:" ¿Quien es tu papi?"(SLAP!)