The International Association of Scientologists is Scientology’s membership organization and slush fund, and it’s that time of year when the IAS gathers under a big tent in East Grinstead, England for a long speech by church leader David Miscavige and for the giving out of new trophies to this year’s biggest donors. And like last year, former London staffer “Apostate Alex” Barnes-Ross is organizing a three-day protest. As that kicks off today, Alex gives us this update of his efforts…
The time is upon us… it’s the IAS event!
Of course the last few weeks have been filled with twists and turns as I’m sure you can imagine, and I am looking forward to sharing more publicly when I’m able to. But I thought you’d appreciate this little bit of news from the last 24 hours.
According to Scientology, pedestrians were made to walk in the road last year as a result of protestors blocking the footpath and getting in the way of traffic.. However, I was keen to point out that they had placed wooden skirting along the pavement, and blocked the pedestrian entrance with planters.
Although I complained to the Police who were present over the weekend, they advised me it was a Council issue — and they just weren’t able to respond quick enough and by the time they inspected the site, they had gone.
This year, we were more prepared and I gave the Council plenty of notice a similar obstruction might happen again. Highways advised Scientology that blocking the public right of way is a no-no, while simultaneously ordering they remove the hedgerow and fencing they had placed opposite the entrance some time ago.
Yesterday, I was sent photos of this year’s planters — much smaller (dare I say Miscavige-sized) which I noted were a fantastic improvement on last year. They don’t block the footpath and I didn’t see how this would cause an access issue.
Nonetheless, these were still considered an obstruction by the Highways Department as they are technically located on the road, which could present a danger to traffic should they be dislodged or knocked over. After a call to Saint Hill, Scientology have promised these will be removed before protestors arrive.
It just goes to show Scientology’s arrogance and ‘above the law’ attitude. They have tried to get away with lots, and I must give a huge thanks to the eagle-eyed local residents who have kept me informed of what’s going on at Saint Hill day by day.
I doubt the hedge and fencing will be removed by the time protestors arrive, but it looks like they haven’t gotten away with the games they played last year in an attempt to disrupt our demonstration.
Now, my focus is on our protest itself. The Council will have observers gathering evidence of how we conduct our activities and I’ve been informed there will be a much larger Police presence this year. It’s absolutely vital we lead our activism with kindness and compassion and do not do anything to harass or disrupt those attending the event. I can feel the pressure, and the whole world is watching. But we will do our best, and I appreciate the support of everybody at the Bunker who are cheering us on from the sidelines.
— Alex Barnes-Ross
Thank you, Alex. And while that protest is going on outside Saint Hill, inside the big tent tonight David Miscavige will kick off the weekend with his usual hours-long speech about all the great things happening for Scientology. Here’s the agenda as posted on Scientology’s own event website:
Honoring New Freedom Medal Winners
Celebrate the inspiring and dedicated individuals who are transforming lives around the globe.
Extraordinary Milestones on Our Worldwide Humanitarian Impact
Learn how the IAS is leading the way in creating a better world.
Global Unity and Fellowship
Join Scientologists from around the world as we commemorate 40 years of Dauntless, Defiant and Resolute action.
Doesn’t that sound great? As usual, we’ll be curious to see what images from inside the tent get leaked to social media, and of course we’ll keep an eye out for celebrities. If you see someone sharing their images from the party, let us know!
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Avast, Ye Mateys: Snapshots from Scientology’s years at sea
Overheard in the Freezone: Indie Hubbardism, one thought at a time
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When I protested and the obvious OSA troll/volunteer appears in the crowd to gather intel or provoke, I talk Xenu's body-thetans to them, non stop.
Fill their ears with Xenu's body-thetans OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 info, to spoler alert and "ruin" their secret minds instilled in them by Hubbard.
When Scientology sends out their street counter troops, talk Xenu's body-thetans to them, to shoo them away. Xenu and body-thetas and OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 theory "works" to shoo them.
Good luck, stay safe