When I protested and the obvious OSA troll/volunteer appears in the crowd to gather intel or provoke, I talk Xenu's body-thetans to them, non stop.

Fill their ears with Xenu's body-thetans OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 info, to spoler alert and "ruin" their secret minds instilled in them by Hubbard.

When Scientology sends out their street counter troops, talk Xenu's body-thetans to them, to shoo them away. Xenu and body-thetas and OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 theory "works" to shoo them.

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Good luck, stay safe

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Thank you, Tony and Alex for these posts on all of Alex’s hard work with these IAS protests at Saint Hill. I had the pleasure of watching the live stream last year, and look forward to watching some of this years too. Wishing all the best to Alex and all the protestors who will be there.

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Be safe protest group. Stick together. Film everything. Don’t provoke. I’m sure Alex has briefed everyone on all this too because the PSPO hinges on it. It will be interesting to see what they try to throw at you.

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Good luck to this year's protestors. Keep your cool and good will prevail!

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Alex, have a positive, proactive, publicity friendly protest. We are there in spirit and I will be humming the song I wrote for you and Tony. SAVE THE SCIENTOLOGY WHALES.


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Beware the agent provocateur(s) that might show up. Otherwise, have fun, sing some songs and show the loyal minions of Miscavige what fun really is. And maybe some disconnected families might see each other from afar.

A few SPs will negate any OT powerz that are arrayed against you. The English weather is your only real problem.

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Stay safe. We are with you 100%

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" much smaller (dare I say Miscavige-sized) ..." ROFL!!! I have so much respect for Alex--truly he is a shining gem in the SCN darkness

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