We want to thank the reader who sent us the first Scientology price list we’ve seen in a while, and even better, it’s from the Flag Land Base in Clearwater, Florida, where Scientologists from around the world come for pricey upper-level stuff they can’t get anywhere else.
Who ever heard of a church charging for their services? Someone should investigate how the tax exemption was given in the first place. Maybe someone who worked for the IRS when this occurred, if they are still living, would be willing to do the right thing and speak some truth about it. Maybe that would be enough to get an investigation going to see if they should keep it. The purpose of tax exemption , I thought, was because the church provided help and services that the government would not have to provide. Am I wrong?. I live in a state of confusion , so I know I could be wrong. What has to happen? Ok end of rant.
Of course, OT 3 is a solo level, so you only pay for the Case Supervising. Not per hour for the auditing.
The auditing rates for the actual levels and so on are just the tip of the iceberg. If anything goes wrong, you pay those rates to get it "repaired". At that point it is an open-ended proposition. No one knows how many hours it will take. You can't leave the Flag Land Base until it is done. It is done when they say it is done.
I have heard of people that spent months at Flag trapped in this cycle, paying top rates for rooms and food, stuck in a doom loop. Meanwhile they are unable to work in some cases, just piling on debt.
It's great for the statistics of the Flag Land Base. Money for nothing in large amounts, to mix two popular songs. Dave also takes that as one of his statistics, money in or some such. No place on Earth takes in more money for less results than Flag. At a casino at least you get to be dazzled by the flashing lights as you piss your money away. And the buffet is free!
What this list does not include is the current cost of the OT levels at the Advanced Org Flag.
What are the prices for OT I, II, IV and V(NOTS) and OT III and OT VI? NOTS auditing is more expensive than standard HGC auditing. So a flag public could easily spend $20-$30k in a few weeks if they were auditing intensely. And that does not include getting hit up by the IAS registrars and ideal org fundraisers. I call the Clearwater complex “The Flag Scam Base”. A truly fitting title.
I have a sneaky thought that the cheaper hotels that charge $50/night fill up fast and that their waiting list is as long as the Clampire is populated with masters of MEST. There used to be Clearwater Clams who would rent out a room in their house for much less, I wonder if they got a visit from 'ethics' and either had to kick back some of that rental money or just stop doing it? Those $cineno hotels don't fill themselves up, and Lroon never tolerated any competition from anyone.
Lroon didn't like 'discounts'. He preferred full pay with steady price increases. After all, he was saving mankind from some imaginary disaster. Labeling the costs as a 'donation' is just the way the Clams roll, no one is really fooled by that false advertisement.
Before going to Flag, you get a tech estimate, and are told you will need x number of auditing hours to get from a-z. So, let’s say you’re told you need 12 intensives, and each intensives will take a week to complete.
Since your 13 year old just signed their Sea Org Contract, there’s no reason to keep that college fund, so you take out the $15,000 you had stashed there and take the remaining $60,000 you had in the retirement fund you started 30 years ago. You send $45,000 for the 12 intensives, prepay $12,600/for 12 weeks of the $150/night room. Even after the round airfare ticket, your family has a cushion of about $16,000 to live off while you’re not working for 3 months and for meals while you’re at Flag.
Then you arrive and start routing in. It is inevitable that when you reach the ethics officer, a situation you didn’t know you had will be discovered, which must be handled before you can start your auditing. Five weeks later, having budgeted only $50/day for food, you have used up $1,750 of your cushion, and the family at home has used approximately the same amount, but you are deemed ready to begin what you came for in the first place.
But—you need to replenish your intensives first, since five of them have been used and you also need to pay for five more weeks of your room. You stop by the reg, ready to pay the discount price for the additional 5 intensives, only to be told that you should have bought them when you bought the rest. The price list specifically states you had to pay for them in the bulk rate to get the price they were asking, so those five intensives will cost you an additional $23,750. At the 5% discount rate.
But you only have $12,500 left in the coffers and that is supposed to support you and your family until you finish at Flag. Not being able to come up with the additional money to pay for your additional intensives, you say you need to go home and earn more then come back.
You are immediately sent back to ethics for wanting to leave. You spend as much time as you have intensives paid for getting the fact that you want to leave handled then you are sent home with your tail between your legs from Flag, The Happiest Place on Earth.🙄
Price lists! Quantity discounts!! So religious!!!
No wonder that the SCOTUS found that the criminal organisation known as the "church" of $cientology is a for-profit business.
Who ever heard of a church charging for their services? Someone should investigate how the tax exemption was given in the first place. Maybe someone who worked for the IRS when this occurred, if they are still living, would be willing to do the right thing and speak some truth about it. Maybe that would be enough to get an investigation going to see if they should keep it. The purpose of tax exemption , I thought, was because the church provided help and services that the government would not have to provide. Am I wrong?. I live in a state of confusion , so I know I could be wrong. What has to happen? Ok end of rant.
Of course, OT 3 is a solo level, so you only pay for the Case Supervising. Not per hour for the auditing.
The auditing rates for the actual levels and so on are just the tip of the iceberg. If anything goes wrong, you pay those rates to get it "repaired". At that point it is an open-ended proposition. No one knows how many hours it will take. You can't leave the Flag Land Base until it is done. It is done when they say it is done.
I have heard of people that spent months at Flag trapped in this cycle, paying top rates for rooms and food, stuck in a doom loop. Meanwhile they are unable to work in some cases, just piling on debt.
It's great for the statistics of the Flag Land Base. Money for nothing in large amounts, to mix two popular songs. Dave also takes that as one of his statistics, money in or some such. No place on Earth takes in more money for less results than Flag. At a casino at least you get to be dazzled by the flashing lights as you piss your money away. And the buffet is free!
What this list does not include is the current cost of the OT levels at the Advanced Org Flag.
What are the prices for OT I, II, IV and V(NOTS) and OT III and OT VI? NOTS auditing is more expensive than standard HGC auditing. So a flag public could easily spend $20-$30k in a few weeks if they were auditing intensely. And that does not include getting hit up by the IAS registrars and ideal org fundraisers. I call the Clearwater complex “The Flag Scam Base”. A truly fitting title.
I have a sneaky thought that the cheaper hotels that charge $50/night fill up fast and that their waiting list is as long as the Clampire is populated with masters of MEST. There used to be Clearwater Clams who would rent out a room in their house for much less, I wonder if they got a visit from 'ethics' and either had to kick back some of that rental money or just stop doing it? Those $cineno hotels don't fill themselves up, and Lroon never tolerated any competition from anyone.
Lroon didn't like 'discounts'. He preferred full pay with steady price increases. After all, he was saving mankind from some imaginary disaster. Labeling the costs as a 'donation' is just the way the Clams roll, no one is really fooled by that false advertisement.
Here’s the reality of how that works:
Before going to Flag, you get a tech estimate, and are told you will need x number of auditing hours to get from a-z. So, let’s say you’re told you need 12 intensives, and each intensives will take a week to complete.
Since your 13 year old just signed their Sea Org Contract, there’s no reason to keep that college fund, so you take out the $15,000 you had stashed there and take the remaining $60,000 you had in the retirement fund you started 30 years ago. You send $45,000 for the 12 intensives, prepay $12,600/for 12 weeks of the $150/night room. Even after the round airfare ticket, your family has a cushion of about $16,000 to live off while you’re not working for 3 months and for meals while you’re at Flag.
Then you arrive and start routing in. It is inevitable that when you reach the ethics officer, a situation you didn’t know you had will be discovered, which must be handled before you can start your auditing. Five weeks later, having budgeted only $50/day for food, you have used up $1,750 of your cushion, and the family at home has used approximately the same amount, but you are deemed ready to begin what you came for in the first place.
But—you need to replenish your intensives first, since five of them have been used and you also need to pay for five more weeks of your room. You stop by the reg, ready to pay the discount price for the additional 5 intensives, only to be told that you should have bought them when you bought the rest. The price list specifically states you had to pay for them in the bulk rate to get the price they were asking, so those five intensives will cost you an additional $23,750. At the 5% discount rate.
But you only have $12,500 left in the coffers and that is supposed to support you and your family until you finish at Flag. Not being able to come up with the additional money to pay for your additional intensives, you say you need to go home and earn more then come back.
You are immediately sent back to ethics for wanting to leave. You spend as much time as you have intensives paid for getting the fact that you want to leave handled then you are sent home with your tail between your legs from Flag, The Happiest Place on Earth.🙄
What a scam and it's allowed to continue. Unreal!