Phil Jones volunteered to be and arbitrator. He's never seen his goldenrod.

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It makes me laugh to.think how much David M. thinks about Leah!!

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Take a day or 4 off and get in tune with the family and real life. Watching the Masterson trial was a trial in itself, but you got a free burrito. How many others ever got a free burrito from well respected judge? Consider having that burrito bronzed and mounted.

My unhappiness in the way the criminal trail turned out will never be assuaged, but I have to give the prosecution kudos for stating a coherent case, and then pointing out that they didn't get all the pieces of the case in proper order and properly framed, in the jurors minds. The jurors really didn't get the proper legal meaning of 'consent'. I have to blame Mueller for that. The Janes were magnificent and I hope that they get over the trauma of reliving their trauma again. With the civil trial now looming, the janes and their supporters will be reliving that trauma again. Stay strong and take care of yourselves.

Mueller, give this case one more go and try it again. You know how to hammer home the law and its meaning in this case. And that Vodka Cosby bartender needs a long time out to think about what he did.

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Welcome Home Tony! I didn't get to read all the suggestions, but did anyone suggest

"dave" himself?!

Also I do like the idea of Diana Hubbard, or how about Arthur Hubbard (grin)?

Anxiously awaiting your next stories.

Enjoy December! 🌹👍💜🎯

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John Travolta

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Oh, well. My antique flip-phone will not allow me to install the app. And the new smart phones are either too expensive, or will not fit in my shirt pocket.

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His teeny little boots. I can see them kicking. I do hope that the Judge sees the sham in all of this that respond about a public case that got publicity and … oh wow.

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Glad you're home, safe and back with your family, at least until March! Can't wait to download the 'chat'! Thanks for setting this up. And lastly, David Miscavage is obsessed with Leah, he never gives up! It's really amazing how awful, mean, and disgusting this man is. THANKS for keeping us informed!!

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Thank you Tony , putting out amazing content every day! I applaud your efforts and you are truly one of the best at pushing back on Scientology misinformation! I’m also looking at many of the current Scientology legal cases -and would love to get your perspective on a few things, how can we communicate? If possible?

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