The excitement of the upper level materials in the early days Electrified us young gullible war babies.

And as more materials were released like NOTS the bridge to total freedom became the only game in town. All of Hubbards schemes contributed to the idea that Hubbard had the true SECRETS OF THE UNIVERSE.

For me there is no speculation any more regarding Hubbard being a computing psychopath. He stands head and shoulders above other cult leaders in his development of a true mind bending organization that fully brainwashes it members into full cognitive dissonance.

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"But I wonder if the real reason had to do with maintaining a monopoly for monetary gain." Wonder no more my Bunkeroos, yes it is about Lron's 'monopoly'. You can't sell a 'mystery sandwich' without the 'mystery'. I love Bruce's writing and his knowledge of the way $cientology is sold is of great import to anyone looking at the Clampire. Maybe those who guard secret government papers could take a page out of the $cieno playbook?

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“…bad actors might misuse information to the detriment of others“

An impossible scenario if there was transparency and the information was free. Paranoid self-regulation certainly hasn’t limited harm caused to people. Nobody ever got pneumonia from reading OT levels, either.

I remember when Scientology was using “trade secret” legal arguments.

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Apr 11·edited Apr 11

A lot of the security probably stems back from that time that three ex-victims of the mind fuck perpetrated by the criminal organisation known as the "church" of $cientology put on fake navy uniforms (no change there), marched into the Copenhagen "advanced org" and demanded to inspect the confidential materials. They were handed the materials and walked out to photocopy them.

As they returned the materials right away, the lawsuit against them for theft went just about nowhere.

(The ending of that anecdote doesn't quite track Jon Atack's story about it - I never quizzed Ron Lawley on any of that when he joined our protests for a brief period.)


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OMG OMGOMG! I know Judge Fujie. I've been before her in the past. She is one of the WORST judges in Mosk. In fact, there's an action to get her off the bench. I'll post the site when I find it. I signed it.

Here are her "reviews":


I haven't been in this commenting community in awhile because I thought it was removed permanently from Tony's website. But I scoured the email today because I am having a freak out moment once I read Fujie's name. She is so awful. She rarely reads the motions and completely ignores declarations and she has a short term memory problem when informed of a important fact but forgot about it within 5 minutes.

OMG. I really hope that Leah requests to remove Fujie, if she can. I cannot impress enough about how Fujie is completely horrid.

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In a way it is good that Lyintology is so obsessed with confidentiality, it tangles them up and reduces their effectiveness.

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12

Great stories Bruce.

Yea, anyone today, they can just find most of the Xenu and body-thetans soul theories free on the internet.

Hubbard's fiction writing style, keeping "secret" content of the story narrative, for sure came to reality in how Hubbard made the "tech" (quackery) of Scientology all soaked with secrecy.

Part of the secret allure.

What a scam, the whole cult empire operation per the Hubbard regulations how to run his quackery sales and delivery.

I remember the one trade secrets aspect of real world products, like the McDonald's "secret sauce" or whatever it is.

Xenu and body-thetans are the secret sauce (no longer) of Hubbard's Scientology. Hubbard just had to add his secret sauce to his Scientology quackery.

Hail Xenu's body-thetans rain down on Miscavige's head every time he appears in public.

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