Excellent work in Canada! Why isn't every country doing this? People are dying, and that's from the basic product sold by the criminal organisation known a the "church" of $cientology - let alone as consequences of the quackery sold at narCONon.
The prosecution in Paris successfully proved that this medical advice is part of organised fraud, and that was just the "take the vitamins that my main man can sell you" part. See Jonny Jacobsen's very truly excellent reporting from the Paris trial at
Getting solid evidence for the "do not take anti depressants" gets to the really dangerous bit. And the key thing is that it is baked into the Co$, it is not the opinion of a lone individual. And the line of ex-victims who can testify to this goes around the block.
Well done Gaétan Pouliot!!!! Exposing the scams of $cientologists is very much in the public's interest. 'Special vitamins' for treating bipolar disease? What's next? Getting the benefits of vegetables and fruits in pill form?
I do hope the ECT makers and the FDA get their act together and squash those lawsuits and make the CCHR and their minions pay for the financial damage they inflected. ECT does work.
In 1973 I heard Thomas Eagleton give a wonderful speech on how that treatment saved his life and made him fit for the US Senate. He was later nominated for Vice President under George McGovern. Eagleton was removed from the ballot when his mental health treatment was made public. That was a great disservice to Eagleton and the electorate. In all of the years since Eagleton, ECT treatment has been refined and is a very useful tool in treating some mental illnesses. Taking that treatment off the table would be a crime. Especially, if the people behind killing that treatment were $cienoes. RICO time it is, says Yoda.
As a former commissioner of CCHR I know how extreme the organization is. Also I know Jan Eastgate and she had no remorse for the cover up of the pedophile father she protected. In Scientology the “ends always justify the means”, lying, cheating, abusing and exploiting.
I am no fan of psychotropic medications or ECT. In extreme cases they can prove workable. I think this program to destroy the ECT manufacturers is more to get donations to the IAS and CCHR.
If the registrars can say “look what CCHR is doing, how amazing they are banning ECT”. This is good for on going donations. It’s big business. And they are dupes forwarding Hubbard’s non-solutions to mental health.
This article about the ECT devices and SCN's lawsuits against the companies who manufacture equipment for them made me sad (and mad). That SCN can use their ill gotten reserves to shut down a company for no reason other than to acquire promotional material for further fund raising is sickening. These people are the worst kind of bullies.
I could go on for a long time about SCN and its relationship to psychiatry. When I was a member of the church, psychiatrists were pictured as goons who ogled/assaulted their female patients. We were taught that anything in the psychiatric community and all of their practices were pointless and dangerous.
The ironic thing is that SCN's worst disasters have come from their treatment of patients with serious/life-threatening mental illnesses. Based on only the results of their clients Whitney Mills and Lisa McPherson, these patients who ended up dead in SCN's care would have been better served with ECT, psychiatric drugs, and the like. They would both be alive.
While SCN has done nothing to develop treatment for debilitating mental illness in the 72 years since its inception, Psychiatry has moved forward, refined its techniques, and evolved better treatment methods.
Currently, SCN has no solutions for a person with a debilitating depression. Their solutions, pep talks, vitamin therapy, and isolation are so inadequate as to be almost laughable. In the 1900's if Aunt Bessie started to display symptoms of psychosis, she was locked in the attic. SCN has not progressed much past this.
For the church to denounce an entire sector of the medical profession and vow to get rid of it with no replacement technology and no plans to produce a replacement is dangerous. Someone should shut these folks down and I hope they do.
I don't know what options exist for stopping the current frivolous lawsuits but I hope Tony's article will help uncover something to correct these injustices.
Excellent work in Canada! Why isn't every country doing this? People are dying, and that's from the basic product sold by the criminal organisation known a the "church" of $cientology - let alone as consequences of the quackery sold at narCONon.
The prosecution in Paris successfully proved that this medical advice is part of organised fraud, and that was just the "take the vitamins that my main man can sell you" part. See Jonny Jacobsen's very truly excellent reporting from the Paris trial at
Getting solid evidence for the "do not take anti depressants" gets to the really dangerous bit. And the key thing is that it is baked into the Co$, it is not the opinion of a lone individual. And the line of ex-victims who can testify to this goes around the block.
Well done Gaétan Pouliot!!!! Exposing the scams of $cientologists is very much in the public's interest. 'Special vitamins' for treating bipolar disease? What's next? Getting the benefits of vegetables and fruits in pill form?
I do hope the ECT makers and the FDA get their act together and squash those lawsuits and make the CCHR and their minions pay for the financial damage they inflected. ECT does work.
In 1973 I heard Thomas Eagleton give a wonderful speech on how that treatment saved his life and made him fit for the US Senate. He was later nominated for Vice President under George McGovern. Eagleton was removed from the ballot when his mental health treatment was made public. That was a great disservice to Eagleton and the electorate. In all of the years since Eagleton, ECT treatment has been refined and is a very useful tool in treating some mental illnesses. Taking that treatment off the table would be a crime. Especially, if the people behind killing that treatment were $cienoes. RICO time it is, says Yoda.
As a former commissioner of CCHR I know how extreme the organization is. Also I know Jan Eastgate and she had no remorse for the cover up of the pedophile father she protected. In Scientology the “ends always justify the means”, lying, cheating, abusing and exploiting.
I am no fan of psychotropic medications or ECT. In extreme cases they can prove workable. I think this program to destroy the ECT manufacturers is more to get donations to the IAS and CCHR.
If the registrars can say “look what CCHR is doing, how amazing they are banning ECT”. This is good for on going donations. It’s big business. And they are dupes forwarding Hubbard’s non-solutions to mental health.
Super excellent article (the Daily Beast article is just super). Important for those who would benefit from the modern ECT option.
I'd do ECT if I was in a position to benefit from it.
Idiots in Scientology are stuck in dead Hubbard's nutball ruts!
This article about the ECT devices and SCN's lawsuits against the companies who manufacture equipment for them made me sad (and mad). That SCN can use their ill gotten reserves to shut down a company for no reason other than to acquire promotional material for further fund raising is sickening. These people are the worst kind of bullies.
I could go on for a long time about SCN and its relationship to psychiatry. When I was a member of the church, psychiatrists were pictured as goons who ogled/assaulted their female patients. We were taught that anything in the psychiatric community and all of their practices were pointless and dangerous.
The ironic thing is that SCN's worst disasters have come from their treatment of patients with serious/life-threatening mental illnesses. Based on only the results of their clients Whitney Mills and Lisa McPherson, these patients who ended up dead in SCN's care would have been better served with ECT, psychiatric drugs, and the like. They would both be alive.
While SCN has done nothing to develop treatment for debilitating mental illness in the 72 years since its inception, Psychiatry has moved forward, refined its techniques, and evolved better treatment methods.
Currently, SCN has no solutions for a person with a debilitating depression. Their solutions, pep talks, vitamin therapy, and isolation are so inadequate as to be almost laughable. In the 1900's if Aunt Bessie started to display symptoms of psychosis, she was locked in the attic. SCN has not progressed much past this.
For the church to denounce an entire sector of the medical profession and vow to get rid of it with no replacement technology and no plans to produce a replacement is dangerous. Someone should shut these folks down and I hope they do.
I don't know what options exist for stopping the current frivolous lawsuits but I hope Tony's article will help uncover something to correct these injustices.