I doubt there are many 40-80 year old scientologists that don’t know LRHs policy on fundraising.
They ALL know the points of KSW.
This fundraiser is in direct opposition to LRH.
Not that it was any good before this started in early 2000s it’s so much worse it boggles my mind how any of them stay. Even parents with children in - doesn’t every parent want the best for their child even if they’ve grown up believing in a scam?
That PUN-filled flyer is a PUNishing read. The psuedo-PUNdit should be PUNished for that promo. It was PUNdamentally bad and any decent PUN creator would PUNt them out the door. What a PUNk!
[Note: I would never usually do all the caps and even my puns are making me cringe.]
"The Power of the Postulate". There it is in print, wishing gets you what you want. No magic lamps or Genies needed, no tedious lamp rubbing, just wish and it comes true. But only if you do it in the CO$ prescribed manner. And when your wish doesn't come true, it is your fault and you need more 'auditing'. Notice how the Clampire uses every excremental excuse to get your money?
The main thing I can see that has changed since I was in Scientology is the respite between asking you for more money. Don’t get me wrong, it was all about money even in the 70s and 80s. The very hush hush name whispered for it was Diamondetics and Schematology. However, you knew if you were on course or in session you were safe from being asked for more money - until that course was nearing its end or you were running out of auditing hours. Yes, there were the inevitable how to make more money seminars, which you had to pay to attend but they were more or less optional.
The way Hubbard did it was so much more sneaky. He instituted a policy where the prices increased 5% per month “to keep up with inflation.” This was handy for registrars because by then the flow of new people in the doors was lessening, so the statistics could continue to go up without resorting to artificial means. It also created a sense of urgency for those people who were trying to decide whether to pay now or later. It should be noted that none of the increased income was allocated to the hardworking staff who kept his scheme viable.
Miscavige cannot even rely on that because there are so few people actually paying for services these days, he had to come up with a new con to amass more money for the overflowing coffers.
"MULTIPLE Mystery Celebrity Performances" at Emmett Osborn's event! I hope nobody gets their hopes up that it'll be a real celebrity. The "D list" is too high for most of their "celebs." More like Z list.
Hubbard's pulp story, "The Case of the Friendly Corpse" comes to mind seeing this "fun" Scientology "FUNdraising".
Hubbard's mental bent allowed him to make heroes out of corpses. Same mental theme in Scientology. The Hubbard quackery is simply not taking the world by storm, never was. But enough rich dupes have a financial means now to keep up the show in the buildings. Staff come and go, like always. Selling Xenu's R6 implanted body-thetans exorcism catches up with everything, and that's on Hubbard. Can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
Scientology's a dead horse that deserves eternal beatings, but Hubbard regulates the dead horse caregivers to to pretend glorious dead horse success.
"Can I sell you a dead horse?" "It's really a great healthy successful horse."
One thing about Hubbard's "The Case of the Friendly Corpse" is it has a Christian themed ending which is unfilmable it is so hugely dramatic. It's not disrespectful, wasn't to me, of Christianity, I didn't think he was being disrespectful, but not many Hubbard fiction or pulp stories have even any Christian related threads in them.
I do not know this story of hubbard's - but the ex-husband (OT 8,) is currently dying. He does not think he will die and has plans to continue contributing massive money to the cult. They even visited him in the hospital and had him give them his Credit card.. He did so readily. Meanwhile, he is in pain, and is taking Morphine...I guess no auditing for him while he is a :"new-corpse.!" I know I appear cruel and insensitive. He recently told one of our kids (they have all been visiting him and trying to make him comfortable,) that he knows that I am just a murdering, evil person.. My heart has been broken since he left me years ago - due to being made to do so by the cult....but this almost destroyed me. It is too much madness. He wants to live and vote for trump.
I doubt there are many 40-80 year old scientologists that don’t know LRHs policy on fundraising.
They ALL know the points of KSW.
This fundraiser is in direct opposition to LRH.
Not that it was any good before this started in early 2000s it’s so much worse it boggles my mind how any of them stay. Even parents with children in - doesn’t every parent want the best for their child even if they’ve grown up believing in a scam?
That PUN-filled flyer is a PUNishing read. The psuedo-PUNdit should be PUNished for that promo. It was PUNdamentally bad and any decent PUN creator would PUNt them out the door. What a PUNk!
[Note: I would never usually do all the caps and even my puns are making me cringe.]
"The Power of the Postulate". There it is in print, wishing gets you what you want. No magic lamps or Genies needed, no tedious lamp rubbing, just wish and it comes true. But only if you do it in the CO$ prescribed manner. And when your wish doesn't come true, it is your fault and you need more 'auditing'. Notice how the Clampire uses every excremental excuse to get your money?
The main thing I can see that has changed since I was in Scientology is the respite between asking you for more money. Don’t get me wrong, it was all about money even in the 70s and 80s. The very hush hush name whispered for it was Diamondetics and Schematology. However, you knew if you were on course or in session you were safe from being asked for more money - until that course was nearing its end or you were running out of auditing hours. Yes, there were the inevitable how to make more money seminars, which you had to pay to attend but they were more or less optional.
The way Hubbard did it was so much more sneaky. He instituted a policy where the prices increased 5% per month “to keep up with inflation.” This was handy for registrars because by then the flow of new people in the doors was lessening, so the statistics could continue to go up without resorting to artificial means. It also created a sense of urgency for those people who were trying to decide whether to pay now or later. It should be noted that none of the increased income was allocated to the hardworking staff who kept his scheme viable.
Miscavige cannot even rely on that because there are so few people actually paying for services these days, he had to come up with a new con to amass more money for the overflowing coffers.
Scientology with it's rich dupes money, is like a dead horse that impersonates being alive.
It reminds me of one of the pulp "stories" by Hubbard, was one of my favorite, it's called "The Case of the Friendly Corpse."
It has a positive ending, despite the hero or one of the main characters being a Corpse. The ending is positive, despite this.
For Hubbard, even Corpses can have good endings, LOL.
Delusion is delusion. Once you are brainwashed, like a robot, you go wherever you are told.
"MULTIPLE Mystery Celebrity Performances" at Emmett Osborn's event! I hope nobody gets their hopes up that it'll be a real celebrity. The "D list" is too high for most of their "celebs." More like Z list.
Hubbard's pulp story, "The Case of the Friendly Corpse" comes to mind seeing this "fun" Scientology "FUNdraising".
Hubbard's mental bent allowed him to make heroes out of corpses. Same mental theme in Scientology. The Hubbard quackery is simply not taking the world by storm, never was. But enough rich dupes have a financial means now to keep up the show in the buildings. Staff come and go, like always. Selling Xenu's R6 implanted body-thetans exorcism catches up with everything, and that's on Hubbard. Can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
Scientology's a dead horse that deserves eternal beatings, but Hubbard regulates the dead horse caregivers to to pretend glorious dead horse success.
"Can I sell you a dead horse?" "It's really a great healthy successful horse."
One thing about Hubbard's "The Case of the Friendly Corpse" is it has a Christian themed ending which is unfilmable it is so hugely dramatic. It's not disrespectful, wasn't to me, of Christianity, I didn't think he was being disrespectful, but not many Hubbard fiction or pulp stories have even any Christian related threads in them.
I do not know this story of hubbard's - but the ex-husband (OT 8,) is currently dying. He does not think he will die and has plans to continue contributing massive money to the cult. They even visited him in the hospital and had him give them his Credit card.. He did so readily. Meanwhile, he is in pain, and is taking Morphine...I guess no auditing for him while he is a :"new-corpse.!" I know I appear cruel and insensitive. He recently told one of our kids (they have all been visiting him and trying to make him comfortable,) that he knows that I am just a murdering, evil person.. My heart has been broken since he left me years ago - due to being made to do so by the cult....but this almost destroyed me. It is too much madness. He wants to live and vote for trump.