The archival project sets Scientology apart from all other religions. It’s the only organization to go to extreme lengths to preserve the founders books, recordings, bulletins and policies in preparation for doomsday. Active members still believe scientology technology is the only true path to immortality and saving the planet so by creating the heritage project it physically reinforces for members that Hubbards claptrap must be true. If Scientology were a real cherch it would spend those millions on effective social programs that actually do help people. And the joke is they don’t spend money on their own social betterment front groups. Ultimately it’s all show and accumulation of more assets. It is still one of the biggest frauds in the world.

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The Church of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) has a similar operation. And the Vatican Library has an incredible collection of their history.

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Thank you Bunker researcher, you found gold in them thar hills. So the current heads of CST are the survivors of the 2000's purge. I bet they do exactly what the COB tells them to do. Things like keep Shelly busy and out of any public scrutiny. Otherwise, the Hole for you.

Chukicita's reference to the '92 tax decision is a hoot and has one great reference to the entire Clampire.

"Scientology had a "commercial character," and showed "scripturally based hostility to taxation" and organization seeking exemption had "enormous potential for both accumulating wealth and bestowing shelter from taxation." 26 U.S.C.A. s 501(c)(3).

Sounds like the IRS had the Clampires modus operandi down perfectly.

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I had the most strange interactions with Jane McNamera at Twin Peaks. I was a Public Scientologist and a neighbor told me there was a Scientology place there. I had just moved to Lake Arrowhead. So as a good OT VII Scientologist, I went over there immediately to find out what this was and got promptly interrogated by Jane. It was crazyness. No welcome to the neighborhood conversation at all.

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