So this has kinda been bothering me. Mackenzie Phillips showing up for masterson. It took her years to admit to her being raped by her own father, she didn't consider it as rape for a very long time but now she does. It is just unfathomable that she is there. Oh and Chynna has put out a couple videos both childhood trauma, one of them she talked about being groomed. I'm sure they are more there for their sister, but I just can't rap my head around it why they would agree. Sorry for my rant. Thank you Tony you are doing a great job reporting all of this.

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A victim might call it a sexual assault or might not?


A victim might report it or might not?


A victim might stay in the relationship or might not?


No further questions.

I need to read this report through again. I don't get what the defense is doing here besides filling space.

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Goldstein is making the argument that all these studies and statistics about how victims of sexual assaults react are unreliable because we don't know if they were telling the truth in the first place. Yowsers.

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Yeah, everyone is lying. All the people who participated in the studies, all the victims, the cops. For heavens sake, does she really think the jury is going to buy this?

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Gotta be cringy for the jury. That take is in terrible taste. I would love a daily update on the body language and facial expressions of the jury.

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Check Aaron’s podcast, he had someone on who was in court and was watching everyone

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I do follow him, thank you!

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Grasping at straws

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Could also be a ‘best efforts’ , as a defense attorney once said , you do what you can, but if you have a case that is a pile of dog crap, you can dress it up, put make up on and all you can do, but it’s still a turd.

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Thank you so much for what I'm sure was exhausting typing during the expert testimony. I've never thought about this topic in some of the terms she used before. The idea that a stranger rape is closer to a carjacking than to a marital rape, for instance. It feels so true even though I can't speak from experience.

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Who is Carol Masterson in relationship to Danny?

Is she a musician?

I believe she used to be my landlady, in a Hollywood Hills house we rented.

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His mother.

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Thanks! Looked up a photo and it’s not her. Relieved:)

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