South Park's Trapped in the Closet did the Xenu story quite well. Louisa Calcioli told the cover story in the past and now knows the very bad Science Fiction story behind all of $cientology. Will that change her opinion of $cientology? Very probably not. She exhibits all of the signs or a well programmed clam. Louisa didn't give a shout out to Hubbard or Miscavige, but that might have been just some editing by her staff. She wrote out all of the platitudes that seem to inhibit all $cieno 'success stories'. But it didn't make me want to sign up or travel higher on the bridge.

The BBC had wonderful snark built into that story. Saint Tom Cruise and the Right Reverend John Travolta... giggle. I'll let everyone else fight out the religion versus cult thing. $cientology is a desert topping and a floor wax. And an equal opportunity abuser of everything in life. I loved Mark Hedley's appearance, he gave great testimony and put the scam right into $camatology.

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Louisa has been replaced by Co$ victim formerly known as Louisa. If she ever was friendly and approachable, she is now faking it. She is faking it to everyone, including herself.

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It wouldn't work as well with someone born into a Scientology family, but it would be interesting if there was a way to take these kinds of success stories back in time to show the person just before they agree to join. Would they read what could sound like nonsense to a non-Scientologist and go "yes, I still want to end up like that"?

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I watched the video and Marc Headley was interviewed. He exposed the truth about Scientology.

I also saw Louisa blow off the interviewers query about OT III. Acceptable truths is the watchword in the cult. It’s called evasion or lying by people outside of Scientology.

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Confront? Is that what the auditor makes one confess evil deeds never done? The interviewee didn't know what all the money was for. Well, now that DM has his mansion, he's investing in SO's and the rest? Court cases!!! Great religion, oh sorry, cult. As Ze mooo says, Clampire!

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this was a great article/blog posting.

This is Hubbard's fault. Hubbard wrote the rules that OT 3 isn't to be discussed, and Hubbard made the penalties so dire, no official Scientologist dares violate the Hubbard rules NOT to discuss Xenu's body-thetans caused problem for us earthlings in detail.

Scientologists can discuss the existence of the Wall of Fire, and the greater 4th Dynamic Engram. But no Scientologist is allowed to state that Xenu caused both the Wall of Fire and Xenu caused the greater 4th Dynamic Engram. And no way can Scientologists explain that the Xenu caused 4th Dynamic Engram resulted in all humans on earth today being infested with the body-thetans/invisible souls of the mass murdered alien humanoids whom Xenu brought to earth and had mass murdered during the volcanoes explosions and then the subsequent Wall of Fire that engulfed all of earth. After than Xenu had the body-thetans/invisible souls implanted with the R6 implant bad ideas for 36 and 1/2 days which is the final long part of the entire 4th Dynamic Engram.

It's a massive engram, the most devastating engram, and the results of this 4th Dynamic Engram is that we humans have invisible souls/body-thetans stuck to us which leak the Xenu R6 implant bad ideas into our minds, unbeknownst to us.

"Handling" this leakage of the body-thetans' bad ideas Xenu gave them, is called handling our "OT case", which is the body-thetans bad ideas "case" we all have.

The OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 levels of Scientology deal with the elimination of our "OT case" of leaking Xenu implanted R6 bad ideas from our individual body-thetans which infest each of us.

So in the end, when we exorcise/free all our body-thetans, we alleviate ourselves of our "OT case".

But it's all BS, a crock, and quackery, so even though it's all intricate and kind of makes sense, skip it.

Skip Scientology, all it is is pseudo-therapy and exorcism of Xenu's earth dumped body-thetans, no one ought spend time or money doing the Hubbard quackery.

The lady is tangled up with Hubbard's lies and regulations not to tell the world that modern Scientology "Advanced Organizations" are where Scientologists get first taught secretly, confidentially, about the Xenu body-thetans story, and learn how to do the first exorcism step, OT 3. There's OT 4, 5, 6, and 7 to go for this woman, little does she know that either. Even the Scientologists on the lower OT 3, 4 and 5 don't know that they have more body-thetans exorcism/freeing to do on OT 6/7.

Hubbard's rules trip them up, tangle them up, make them lie like Hubbard did.

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