Love Marc & Clare Headley! They are the ones who truly make us understand but Marc cracks me up a great laugh and voice he needs his own show bc it’s honest authentic and hilarious all at the same time even though it’s so much sadness and horrible things he makes us see how unbelievable it’s the same people doing the same things years and years later! Marc needs to do the recap with you and Mike I’ve read all your books it’s time to open this up and let it fly! Aaron Smith Levin too! Bring it! A round table show of course Leah too!

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I love Marc. He cracks himself and me up! He has the whole stream of consciousness brain and goes from on e thing to the next. It’s a hoot!!! Thank you Tony and Marc!!!

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Tony thank you for all your efforts/updates and important work. It's above and beyond.

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Hands down your reporting and interviews are THE best Your longtime work giving both air and light to the cult of scientology is the most comprehensive in terms of breadth and most detailed in terms of depth. And your contacts are all actual experts, having lived through the craziness that is life inside AND outside of the cult (that is, if you speak out). I don't know why, but it still continually surprises me how many people shill for this cult. Keep exposing the cult for what it is: a criminal organization. Thanks, Tony!

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If anyone ever tries to 'blackmail' me with pics of an inebriated me, I'll make a collage of them.

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Always great to hear these live interviews, Tony! Marc, as always, is filled with both information & humor. I am usually a mild reader, taking my time to read a book. Marc's "Blown for Good" I read in one sitting...laughing through much of it! If you haven't read it...treat yourself.

Great info about Eric. 💜👍🌹

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Marc has incredible stories! 

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Great conversation! I can hardly wait for the follow up conversation. What will Eric do?!!

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Ditto Marc. When I see the bunker update i my inbox I stop working. lol

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Great material Marc!!! I fear Geisler is a spy into the prosecutor's office, and Geisler's still working for Scientology/OSA and giving info right back to the Masterson side/Scientology side, that's my immediate paranoid advanced skepticism of Eric the Spysler.

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Eric Geisler has to tell his story.

His story, the programs for OSA and then someone from OSA who wrote the programs, and running all the persons who do all the targets of the programs.

This is a blockbuster interview, the amount of material Marc's revealed, including that Geisler's company is paying former Int Base staffers' salaries as mediocre "special effects" workers, just to obviously keep the former Int Base staffers "in line" and within the whole Scientology reign of control.

The intricacies of the reign of control, I do hope Marc lays it out in Marc's next book, and were Eric Geisler to come clean and NOT be a spy anymore, suffer the consequences.

I mean what can Scientology do! Taking Eric to court, what can Eric say? Did Eric witness beatings by Miscavige.

The thing these whole group of ex Int Base people all tied up in knots, especially those that witnessed all the David Miscavige beat downs, or received the David Miscavige beat downs!!!!!

Come on, they have immunity, in court, on the stand, they just have to be asked, cross examined, on the Miscavige beatings!!!!!

Wolfi Frank, did he ever get a beating by Miscacige.

The whole durned violence story of Miscavige's beatings, all these ex Int Base staffers who witnessed the beatings, GOT the Miscavige one on one beatings, and shovings, and throttlings.


The core core test for a legit NON spy, is getting them to talk Xenu publicly, tell Xenu's dumping of body-thetans onto earth, and OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, just tell the Xenu body-thetans dumping and Scientology's exorcism OT 3, 4, 5 6 and 7, just say that, and that's proof that the person is NOT a spy.

No one can talk Xenu dumping body-thetans onto earth ,and no can say Xenu is the cause of today's OT 3, 4, 5 6 and 7 exorcism steps to remove body-thetans off a person's body.

That is the ultimate litmus test for NOT being a spy, TALK XENU and BODY-THETANS and make the OT 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 connection, clearly, and over and over. Keeping talking Xenu.

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He’s got some great stories.

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Lol 😂 I appreciate Tony trying to give Eric the Spy the benefit of doubt as a journalist. But no, I am not sympathetic to Eric. Marc and Claire didn’t bend their integrity to spy on former members or take a pay off from Scientology to stay quiet. They did what was right, not easy and spoke out abt the abuses that they witnessed and abuse they were subject to. Their families disconnected from them and have never even met their three beautiful boys. I have zero respect for someone playing both sides and taking a paycheck from Scientology. Much respect and love for Marc and Claire 💙

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