It was the deepest disappointment to the contributors that this series was never aired. They had retraumatised themselves in a bid to reconnect with their loved ones only to have the rug ripped out from beneath them. It must have felt a little like opening yourself up and laying your deepest traumas out to a therapist, only to have them abandon you mid-therapy for a new job in a new city, leaving freshly opened wounds and profoundly unresolved heartache.

Their stories deserved - and deserve - to be aired. Tony has done a remarkable job writing about these people - many of whom are loved and treasured by the Bunker community, so their pain is our pain. Tony has kept their stories alive. Now it's time for a new Network to take another look at this series so their stories can be shared on a national scale.

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You have a way with words and an obvious deep compassion and empathy for the plight of others; in this case, the contributors to the Sirens Media production that never aired.

Thank you Andrea. You said it perfectly. Can't wait to hear Tony interview Phil.

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The podcast alone is worth the subscription.

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The interview with Phil brought out an interesting point: scientology brought the billboard on themselves. Phil was defeated, ready to give up after the call with Michael went poorly. The security guard laughed. That was a bad move, thus the billboard was born.

Scientology blocking the billboard with two companies created massive media interest and allowed Phil and Willie to go on GMA and Today where there had been none. LRH “tech” on full display.🙄😂

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