Nice to hear more about this show. I had a chance to participate in one episode here in Clearwater back in 2016. It was an interesting concept; trying to reunite those who had been disconnected. It seemed unlikely they would ever make one of those connections happen though and that may have been discouraging week after week.

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Hey Tony! Have there been any fictional TV shows/movies shut down for being too close to Scientology?

Thinking about a tv show I watched a few years ago that was definitely about the Tom Cruise girlfriend auditions: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/arrangement-creator-dodges-scientology-comparisons-965002/amp/

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Why doesn’t this episode appear in my paid member feed? All of the rest do. Love this stuff and so interested in this particular story after having followed Jamie since his earliest interviews with some shock-jock in Florida in the 90s.

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Thanks for the speedy response! It still wasn’t working, so I updated my podcast player app, refreshed the show, and the Phil episode popped up. It had nothing to do with the feed and everything to do with me. Thank you, and sorry for the hassle. Love what you do!

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