So, Alessandro is no longer wondering “why?” He’ll be so cool with needing to take OT6, and then OT7, wrapped up by OT8.

Oh, and well done healing all those physical aches and pains. Way to be in charge of Matter Energy Space and Time. What aches are going to get fixed at higher OT levels, I wonder?

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As i have repeated- the Ex husband; OT 8 + have metastasized colon cancer...I guess the BTs got to him! He blames me though. I am the SP. Even though he left me 15 years ago.

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So in OT5 you have to wake up your BTs and then drive them off? Personally, I like to keep my BTs under the snooze alarm. Just keep them sleeping and they can't do any harm. If one should suddenly wake up, well, just send it a bill for all of the years it has infested your body and charge it rent. As we all know, nothing gets a BT moving like a bill they can't pay. Getting an eviction notice from a real court is out (but it could be hilarious to try to get), but since BTs are imaginary, a fake eviction should work fine.

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Hubbards science fiction narrative for OT III through VII is just that, a made up science fiction story.

It’s a complete fabrication, a lie regarding our alleged history for the past 4 billion years. And I think he created it to keep members interested in paying big bucks to continue up the “Bridge to total freedom(slavery)”. This is pure brainwashing and IMO it always ends in disaster.

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Poor guy. He came so close to finding out how to leave only to get sucked back into the insanity. The OT levels are a frightening mind trap that drive a person into insanity. The more body thetans they address, the more Hubbard invented for them to address. Had Hubbard gotten around to inventing the higher levels before he drove himself insane, it would have been more of the same.

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