Congratulations again to Alex on such a well organized and powerful protest at Saint Hill. Alex put in so much work behind the scenes. Well done to him and all fellow protesters. I only hope that the Council will side with Alex.

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Thanks so much Alex for your smarts in this matter, it's clear that the roads are just too durned small there in England around Saint Hill Manor, and East Grinstead, but that's just the way it is and will be.

When Scientology tries to load up thousands of people at their "Castle" complex outside East Grinstead, the road slows are simply due to volume of people going to their "Castle" complex for their "celebration".

Scientology in the 1980s did a lot more televising of their events, to their "orgs" for their followers to follow along.

Maybe Scientology, the "Castle" complex owners, could do the same, and just with all of Scientology's vast wealth, just televise the annual "IAS event" that goes on, and limit the participants at Saint Hill "Castle" to just the same amount of actual original IAS participants, which were just the representatives from all the countries.

Instead, Scientology ought bring all their "big whales" (donors) to the Freewinds (and Scientology really if Miscavige were "thinking big" he'd buy a NEW "used" larger cruise ship).

Bring the whales to the ocean (Freewinds, or replacement "used" renovated "Big think" cruise vessel), and let the plebs representatives of the IAS, who originally WERE staffers, they weren't the "whales" in the first place, that original IAS meeting. Just have staff reps come do the anniversary at Saint Hill, "signing" of the IAS pledge. Whales to the ocean (Freewinds or replacement "used" cruise vessel) and staff reps to Saint Hill.

THAT would fix this road issue matter when the "IAS Event" happens.

It's just too many people.

If Scientology had some "leaders" with some common sense, RATHER, since quitting, I've seen since quitting Scientology myself, it is OUTSIDERS, commenters who even take an interest in this crazy deluded cult Scientology, it's normal folks who comment and offer up sensible strategic solutions for this Scientology cult.

Miscavige's lack of vision, lack of common decency and sense, is the biggest Scientology problem.

Next, is dodging Hubbard's stupid regulations and limits, and rather, from chatting over the decades since quitting, it is OUTSIDERS and average people who have the most sensible advice for the crazy Scientology irreligious fake religion cult.

Just buy another ship, do the big EVENTS always at the ship, for the elite got bucks top whales, and it is fitting, get them out to sea, on the big ocean for their egos to spread out without causing the average folks traffic jams.

Let the staff reps come to IAS anniversary at "Saint Hill" and no traffic jams.

That's my advice.

Chuck Beatty

ex nutter lifer staffer for the crazy California "religious" cult Scientology, 1975 to 2003

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Well said Chuck, the line "Miscavige's lack of vision, lack of common decency and sense, is the biggest Scientology problem." describes $cientology's mindset perfectly.

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The CCHR people have no chance of affecting any real change in Florida or any other US state. The CCHR is not really known outside of their confines. That protest outside of APA conventions is either laughed at or more usually, ignored.

As for prohibiting protests against the annual IAS love fest, I don't see any logical reason that protests should be banned. There are no grounds in evidence that the protests cause any problems. The only problems are the result of poor planning and execution of traffic plans by $cientology. Maybe the IAS shindig should be banned for its poor planning and execution?

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Alex has made a difference with his protests. Just two and Scientology is in paralysis. Exposure of the truth about inhumane practices of ant organization are powerful. Alex I applaud your on going program to make the public aware of Scientology’s continuing abuses.

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Good luck to Alex and the other protesters.

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Alex, you're so impressive, to say the least. Thanks for keeping us updated on the Council decisions. Much love and respect. 💜

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Gruesome is what this cult does; not the science of psychiatry. By the way, it appears that the felon/fuehrer's pick: Bondi is a big supporter of Scientology!

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Yikes I did....Fridays are tough as I try to observe Sabbath and do not get on the computer As soon as I should. THANKS

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