We want to thank all of the readers who sent us messages about this weekend’s terrific expose of the Narconon drug program in the Guardian*, which involved a nine-month investigation and publication on the newspaper’s front page.
Luke Catton (only10 oreo cookies?) and Dave Venemon are among my pantheon of heroes. Luke's testimony on the workings of NarCONon make the Lron/$cientology perfectly clear. And Venemon's 'leaking' of the sales scripts shows the lengths that any 'paid by commission' call center person had to go to to 'make a sale'. We can only thank these people and anyone else who helps bake the clam.
NarCONon is beyond dangerous, it is a clear a present danger to its 'students' and its outrageous costs are a burden that the families who are paying for that 'treatment' have to bear.
Still, the UK expose on NarCONon might help get proper oversight of all rehabs in the UK. Now, do the same in the US.
There is one other glaring fact regarding Narconon that the Guardian missed.
Every person who becomes a member of Scientology MUST undergo the same detox program used by Narconon. And many of us went through it more than once. Also the basic Training Routines are used by Narconon. (TRs). If it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck then it’s a duck.
Narconon is considered another path into the WONDERFUL WORLD OF HUBBARD BRAINWASHING.
In Denmark, journalists tracked down the ownership of the property where the idle narCONon is registered, Social Betterment Properties. Another wholly owned tentacle of the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology. Maybe the UK journalists / critics could spend a minute or two on that?
I wonder how much of that "nine month investigation" involved vetting by the paper's lawyers. It's possible the first cut of the article was a lot less vague.
Was that a picture of Janet Laveau that's available somewhere or that they took? There's no credit listed and I couldn't find it elsewhere when searphoto?
If it's the latter does that mean she's not in the RPF or was let out for them to take the photo?
Luke Catton (only10 oreo cookies?) and Dave Venemon are among my pantheon of heroes. Luke's testimony on the workings of NarCONon make the Lron/$cientology perfectly clear. And Venemon's 'leaking' of the sales scripts shows the lengths that any 'paid by commission' call center person had to go to to 'make a sale'. We can only thank these people and anyone else who helps bake the clam.
NarCONon is beyond dangerous, it is a clear a present danger to its 'students' and its outrageous costs are a burden that the families who are paying for that 'treatment' have to bear.
Still, the UK expose on NarCONon might help get proper oversight of all rehabs in the UK. Now, do the same in the US.
There is one other glaring fact regarding Narconon that the Guardian missed.
Every person who becomes a member of Scientology MUST undergo the same detox program used by Narconon. And many of us went through it more than once. Also the basic Training Routines are used by Narconon. (TRs). If it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck then it’s a duck.
Narconon is considered another path into the WONDERFUL WORLD OF HUBBARD BRAINWASHING.
In Denmark, journalists tracked down the ownership of the property where the idle narCONon is registered, Social Betterment Properties. Another wholly owned tentacle of the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology. Maybe the UK journalists / critics could spend a minute or two on that?
I wonder how much of that "nine month investigation" involved vetting by the paper's lawyers. It's possible the first cut of the article was a lot less vague.
Was that a picture of Janet Laveau that's available somewhere or that they took? There's no credit listed and I couldn't find it elsewhere when searphoto?
If it's the latter does that mean she's not in the RPF or was let out for them to take the photo?
Look up the facility on Google Maps and read the 36 reviews. The only “1-star” review ( all the others are 5-star), details how bad the program is.