Besides, it’s harder to “find rouge semicolons” in tapes. The smart thing would have been to replace the tapes after a certain number of playings but that would have lost a few pennies.
Besides, it’s harder to “find rouge semicolons” in tapes. The smart thing would have been to replace the tapes after a certain number of playings but that would have lost a few pennies.
Val, they don't worry about the semicolons on the tapes but they do quite a bit of editing. If you listen to the CD versions of the SHSBC lectures you no longer hear the little introductions at the beginnings that name new students. Quite a disappointment for some that loved to hear their names on Ron's lips in the lectures.
They take out breaths, umms and aahs, mouth clicks and so on. Also the order is in (I've heard) to remove all references to Creative Processing. The technique Hubbard stole from Volney Mathison. A lot like the Guided Imagery technique still in use outside of Scientology. I don't know how that could work with the Philadelphia Doctorate Course which is mostly about Creative Processing.
Obviously the semicolons was a tongue in cheek comment. They didn’t care about semicolons in the rewritten basics, it was an excuse to modify Hubbard’s work. They also have to get rid of any reference to his children or wife.
It's interesting, Val, Dave seems to want to return to the basics with his Golden Ages of Crap etc. but wants to sanitize it all. Can't have it both ways, Dave, Crap is crap, never does smell like roses.
Like Hubbard, he wants it to work. But it just inherently doesn't. Hubbard was changing it up constantly to his dying day and never got it right.
The part I know most about is the meter. The meter is just part of a device known as a polygraph or lie detector. It does show that the person reacted to something, and it does show when the person has achieved a hypnotic dissociated state (polygraph operators seemingly don't know about that part).
But using repetitive hypnotic commands to desensitize someone to his emotional reactions does not help the person.
Maybe he can now happily chatter on about his dear departed mom, as though the grief was just an illusion, but he has not properly processed the grief of loss. He has pushed it down and replaced it with fake bliss.
Sort of like going out to get plastered after losing your mom. You might feel better for a while, but the issues are still there. You still need to go through the stages of grief.
All of Scientology sort of "works" in just this way, seeming to offer a road to freedom but really enslaving you in a road to serfdom. With Dead Hubbard as the king.
Absolutely! The reel to reel tapes have thus the history of WHO was even on the course, and when, that is so excellent for posterity dating things.
But Hubbard, he himself carved people out of the movement's history telling, so Hubbard to me, is always "source" of who gets the blame.
But, if the quackery just did something supernatural, but it never did, so from now 20 years out of the cult, I think more every day the whole thing is quackery, and deep study of the history, other than to reminisce, is futile. The quackery's never going to go anywhere, it can't.
Jon Atack wrote an article called something like "The likely origins of Dianetics and Scientology" that traces back every one of Hubbard's ideas to earlier writings.
Sometimes it seems like Hubbard just read the Reader's Digest and repeated random articles from the Science section.
There is something to all of it, it's not purely random maunderings, but it is never what Hubbard thought it was or could be. The dream of a world free of criminals, insanity or war was always really a nightmare of pure Hubbard domination. Like the Pax Romana (Roman Peace) or the mutually assured destruction doctrines of our age, it was a dream of peace based on ultraviolence.
Besides, it’s harder to “find rouge semicolons” in tapes. The smart thing would have been to replace the tapes after a certain number of playings but that would have lost a few pennies.
Val, they don't worry about the semicolons on the tapes but they do quite a bit of editing. If you listen to the CD versions of the SHSBC lectures you no longer hear the little introductions at the beginnings that name new students. Quite a disappointment for some that loved to hear their names on Ron's lips in the lectures.
They take out breaths, umms and aahs, mouth clicks and so on. Also the order is in (I've heard) to remove all references to Creative Processing. The technique Hubbard stole from Volney Mathison. A lot like the Guided Imagery technique still in use outside of Scientology. I don't know how that could work with the Philadelphia Doctorate Course which is mostly about Creative Processing.
Obviously the semicolons was a tongue in cheek comment. They didn’t care about semicolons in the rewritten basics, it was an excuse to modify Hubbard’s work. They also have to get rid of any reference to his children or wife.
It's interesting, Val, Dave seems to want to return to the basics with his Golden Ages of Crap etc. but wants to sanitize it all. Can't have it both ways, Dave, Crap is crap, never does smell like roses.
Like Hubbard, he wants it to work. But it just inherently doesn't. Hubbard was changing it up constantly to his dying day and never got it right.
The part I know most about is the meter. The meter is just part of a device known as a polygraph or lie detector. It does show that the person reacted to something, and it does show when the person has achieved a hypnotic dissociated state (polygraph operators seemingly don't know about that part).
But using repetitive hypnotic commands to desensitize someone to his emotional reactions does not help the person.
Maybe he can now happily chatter on about his dear departed mom, as though the grief was just an illusion, but he has not properly processed the grief of loss. He has pushed it down and replaced it with fake bliss.
Sort of like going out to get plastered after losing your mom. You might feel better for a while, but the issues are still there. You still need to go through the stages of grief.
All of Scientology sort of "works" in just this way, seeming to offer a road to freedom but really enslaving you in a road to serfdom. With Dead Hubbard as the king.
Absolutely! The reel to reel tapes have thus the history of WHO was even on the course, and when, that is so excellent for posterity dating things.
But Hubbard, he himself carved people out of the movement's history telling, so Hubbard to me, is always "source" of who gets the blame.
But, if the quackery just did something supernatural, but it never did, so from now 20 years out of the cult, I think more every day the whole thing is quackery, and deep study of the history, other than to reminisce, is futile. The quackery's never going to go anywhere, it can't.
Jon Atack wrote an article called something like "The likely origins of Dianetics and Scientology" that traces back every one of Hubbard's ideas to earlier writings.
Sometimes it seems like Hubbard just read the Reader's Digest and repeated random articles from the Science section.
There is something to all of it, it's not purely random maunderings, but it is never what Hubbard thought it was or could be. The dream of a world free of criminals, insanity or war was always really a nightmare of pure Hubbard domination. Like the Pax Romana (Roman Peace) or the mutually assured destruction doctrines of our age, it was a dream of peace based on ultraviolence.