The 'anti-christian bias' that tRump is 'investigating' is just cover for getting the states to pay for religion based schools. Getting states to pay for Parochial schools has long been a feature of the so called 'Christian Right'. I wonder if Jewish or Islam based schools will get their share of any 'voucher' or direct money based payout?
There are at least 2 Texas based billionaires who want to run the Christian based education system, a system that all children have to attend. Those two are very much in tRump's face and I expect many more fights about the separation of church and state.
I so wish Ted Koppel included this information as a question put to David Miscavige, so that the world had this info up front and center, when they consider L. Ron Hubbard's "teachings."
So, Xenu made Christianity only an implanted idea in our heads.
To get free of all of Xenu's bad ideas we need to do Scientology, so theoretically once we see Christianity is just an implant, we can go all the way with Scientology.
The Class 8 course is where you learn this Hubbard teaching which is in a taped lecture.
What a turnaround backfiring predicament Hubbard's "truths" about the cosmos are.
So fully taught Class 8 and OT 3 status Scientologists thus are pretty secretly anti Christian, so Scientology hypocritically secretly due to the Class 8 lecture where Hubbard says the above with his own voice, it's pretty irrefutable, Scientology is secretly anti Christian.
Additionally, Scientology's other side of their strategy will be to promote it's just another religion, and all religions deserve protection from bigotry.
Which in full would mean, that Scientology be free to keep teaching the Class 8 lectures with the full anti Christian conclusions of L. Ron Hubbard which only the highest level Scientologists learn
That'd be the additional question to throw back at PR people and PR speaking celebrities who mouth Scientology's defensive views.
Hubbard's high Class 8 teachings tell the high members of Scientology that their Christian beliefs are implanted in their minds thanks to Xenu.
Very important point to remember about Scientology.
So much for 'Separation of Church and State'. White House Faith Office, oh, you've just got to be kidding me!!! Like Scientology wants the masses to flock to them, guess Trump intends Christians to flock to him. Hey, it will make it easier to lead them to the slaughter, right???!! What a crazy world we dwell on.
The 'anti-christian bias' that tRump is 'investigating' is just cover for getting the states to pay for religion based schools. Getting states to pay for Parochial schools has long been a feature of the so called 'Christian Right'. I wonder if Jewish or Islam based schools will get their share of any 'voucher' or direct money based payout?
There are at least 2 Texas based billionaires who want to run the Christian based education system, a system that all children have to attend. Those two are very much in tRump's face and I expect many more fights about the separation of church and state.
I am surprised Scientology didn't change the calendar week to go from Friday to Thursday.
I so wish Ted Koppel included this information as a question put to David Miscavige, so that the world had this info up front and center, when they consider L. Ron Hubbard's "teachings."
So, Xenu made Christianity only an implanted idea in our heads.
To get free of all of Xenu's bad ideas we need to do Scientology, so theoretically once we see Christianity is just an implant, we can go all the way with Scientology.
The Class 8 course is where you learn this Hubbard teaching which is in a taped lecture.
What a turnaround backfiring predicament Hubbard's "truths" about the cosmos are.
So fully taught Class 8 and OT 3 status Scientologists thus are pretty secretly anti Christian, so Scientology hypocritically secretly due to the Class 8 lecture where Hubbard says the above with his own voice, it's pretty irrefutable, Scientology is secretly anti Christian.
Additionally, Scientology's other side of their strategy will be to promote it's just another religion, and all religions deserve protection from bigotry.
Which in full would mean, that Scientology be free to keep teaching the Class 8 lectures with the full anti Christian conclusions of L. Ron Hubbard which only the highest level Scientologists learn
That'd be the additional question to throw back at PR people and PR speaking celebrities who mouth Scientology's defensive views.
Hubbard's high Class 8 teachings tell the high members of Scientology that their Christian beliefs are implanted in their minds thanks to Xenu.
Very important point to remember about Scientology.
All the Christian allies of Scientology have to have a simple pamphlet with this info irrefutably laid out for them to absorb.
So much for 'Separation of Church and State'. White House Faith Office, oh, you've just got to be kidding me!!! Like Scientology wants the masses to flock to them, guess Trump intends Christians to flock to him. Hey, it will make it easier to lead them to the slaughter, right???!! What a crazy world we dwell on.
Pastor Paula was 45’s spiritual counsel. New Apostolic Reformation. I joke he’s the return of LRH, however, so he’s really just leading her on.
Isn't that what most chruches do?