I still find it unsettling that people I’d known in Scientology for decades were being manipulated, intimidated and abused. The Damian I knew was bright, multitalented and creative. And in particular Celebrity Centre exploited every talent that walked in there. His story is so common within that group.

We were tools to sell the cherch scam. And for me one of the worst crimes in the world is destroying the dreams and creativity of artists. Hubbard talked big words about revering and supporting creators. He lied. He was a failed artist himself who created an organization that exploited, hurt and destroyed the dreams of so many of us. I appreciate Damian’s courage for speaking out. I’m glad his story is now out for everyone to see. Rock on.🎸

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Thank you Damian and Tony.

Scientology: always, always, always...worse than you think.

I detest OSA and its deluded, criminal goons. Ditto the Pimping Pope

of Scientology.

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What an intense peek behind the scenes, thanks so much for this story!!

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Stories like this are so valuable because the fact that scientology was willing to protect a serial rapist and attack anyone willing to expose him is so much more abhorrent than the evil they were harboring. It is indicative of the rot deep within. The evil is protected, the people attempting to get justice are attacked is a common thread in a disproportionate number of scientology stories and the people who come forward to talk about it are facing down the evil.

Damian pointed out the truth of this whole thing. It’s sort of like someone who drinks themselves sober. Scientology can’t stop intimidating once it starts and they push it so far that the person finally realizes there’s nothing more they can do.

Religion my ass.

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Damian Perkins for the win. Thank you Damian, your testimony is very enlightening and I am sorry that the Clampire has come down on you. I think that you and others will be very instrumental in the upcoming civil trial and bless you for all that you have done and will do.

Why would OSA come down so hard on Damian and others involved with Rapey? He wasn't that important to the clam scam and the only thing I can think of is that too many Clams were involved in shutting down the Jane Does and given Rapeys many public appearances for Lroon, too many asses were hanging out, waiting for the legal spanking that is coming.

I suspect that there are more 'leakers' or witnesses to the harassment and I look forward to the civil trial. Boil those clams people, and use lots of hot sauce on them. I am still pissed off that JD3 didn't get a conviction.

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It's so incredibly good that you are STILL willing to testify. Thank you, Damian! Thanks, Tony, for the fine detailed reports you keep giving us.

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I am so sorry also that he was not found guilty in her charge. But she can still consider it a win because without her, justice would never have been served. She has helped to get a serial rapist convicted of his crimes and I know that the many other victims are thankful too. Civil case still coming up, stay strong!

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He was not found "not guilty" on Jane Doe 3's count. It was a hung jury, and leaning toward conviction. But you are correct, she was instrumental in bringing this case together at all.

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Thank you Damian for all you have done and continue to do despite OSA harassment. Your observations and statements are pieces of the puzzle that help shed light on the bigger picture of witness intimidation and harassment. Let us know if there’s anything we can do to support you as things move forward into the civil trial.

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Hope you will tell him Tony that the whole community is behind Damian, and supports him.

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We really do in here 💕

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Thanks for coming forward, Damian. I've never been involved in Scientology, but feel shocked how much abuse you and others have suffered. I feel so curious why the Prosecution omitted you to testify--doesn't make sense. However, the outcome worked out and I'm celebrating the justice served!

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“You know that if you testify or talk to the press that’s really going to piss them off. “

So very religious! Not particularly criminal!!

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Those of us who personally experienced the goon tactics of the GO and OSA--and there are a lot more coming to light, thanks to our proprietor, than any of us thought--applaud you for your integrity and courage, Damain. Such character reinforced by the power of the pen is about all that is going to have any effect on this form of entrenched evil.

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What an interesting guy

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