The Burlwood bozos strike again. That story never gets old. Yes, Tom Cruise and Dave Miscavige did personally benefit from Sea Org slave wages and service. While Cruise may not be in the inurement bin, Dave Miscavige certainly is in that bin.

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Exactly my first thoughts.

Like minds the two are, sadly. Cruise dumber in the allegiance choosing department, but not by much, compared to Miscavige. (Both suckered into the Hubbard script.).

Everyone is betrayed by Hubbard's Ze Mooo (Xenu/Xemu).

Just a huge waste of anyone's time to cross paths with Hubbard's Scientology XenuLand.

Ze Mooo, greatest moniker ever. A constant reminder of the most backfiring word Hubbard ever foisted on the prisoners of Scientology/Hubbard beliefs.

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You are very kind Chuck, I love your insider knowledge and how you share that info with the rest of us. Insider testimony is the best.

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Thank you for restoring these photos to the article. The arrogance and disgusting bad manners Cruise displayed in replacing the War of the Worlds paint job on the motorcycle Steven Spielberg gave him, then posing on it at the opening of the movie................an excellent example of the type of behavior exhibited by someone who is void of conscience.

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Tom is such a homo novis that he probably feels entitled to it all!

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The workmanship in Tom's ride is amazeballs. Truly defines the "land yacht" dream.

Why doesn't he just buy a pimped out Benz Sprinter van?

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Damn! Just got back on the grid and missed this story when it came out. My husband says he’s one of the few people in the world whose interior vehicle selection was influenced by Tom Cruise.

We went to buy a new truck. It had fake burlwood interior accents. I liked everything about the truck but that. I flat out told my husband that I would never go anywhere with him in that vehicle if he got a truck with that interior. We got a different truck.

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aPics not loaded yet, but I bet part of the customisation involved ensuring his little feet could reach the ground, and his little hands reach the grips. 😆

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That is SO NOT OKAY spending church funds and slave labor to propitiate Cruise! Fucking assholes!

Just CRIMINAL! Human trafficking and slavery were outlawed decades ago!

All Contracts signed by well meaning foolish people are legally and lawfully invalid due to lack of full disclosure and the lack of 2 signatures which is the minimum requirement per UCC Contract Law which governs ALL contracts!

The Church of Scientology is the freeloader by using people's valuable labor for next to nothing just like the ROMAN CABAL has been doing to society at large for centuries! Does Scientology follow the same criminal business model as the CABAL? LRon was mentored by Alister Crowley, the lowest scumbag on Earth! LRon knew what was happening yet he never disclosed it to his followers which to my mind is an overt of omission of magnitude! Pretty evil if you ask me! Eve Purps Ronny!?

The Church owes ALL staff Billions in back pay! PAY UP YOU CROOKS!

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