Am I the only one who thinks Tom Cruise has lost his comb and his nose has gotten bigger? Bodhi doesn't appear to be having a great time (or he's trying a "swanky" but on-purpose" look.) At his side, Jenna looks only mildly pleased to be there and (forgive me for this), her shoes were a mistake. As for the rest, I can't make heads or tails of the hors d'oeuvres, the entree looks sparse, the room looks unnecessarily cramped and, all-in-all, based on these photos, that was one weird "gala"!

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Not sure what’s going on with his face, but look at his hands. He’s got some fairly advanced arthritis going on. That’s only going to make doing his own stunts harder as he ages.

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Jenna only brought one pair of shoes and she chose those?!

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Oh I knowwwww. She can't help that her feet aren't delicate looking, but a shoe that covered more of the front of her foot (with a lower heel) would have been far more chic. Of course it's not my business to critique a celebriety's sartorial choices, but (I confess) it really is a fun hobby :)

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Robin, my thoughts also. Maybe he should have taken advantage of Dave’s hair dresser!

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I forgot to mentioned Tom's crumpled shirt. Would Dave want to be seen with a guy in a Tuxedo with a shirt that wasn't straight? (Or buttoned wrong?) I think not. No wonder we didn't see them hanging around together in public. We don't really know what Tom and Dave were doing behind the scenes, but Tom's appearance offers some interesting guesses.

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So,so proud of the work Alex put in to make this protest happen. Thanks to all who participated and for the messages and the love shown to the public as they arrived. And to the insiders who shared the pics. I am a ‘could have been in’ and this just made my weekend.

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Is it just too early in the morning or did everyone else think Tom Cruise looks like his face was oddly skewed? Sort of like all the photos were taken with a fisheye lens. The place didn’t look festive to me. It looked dark, cramped, somewhere I’d like to leave.

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I thought the same thing, but I figured it was some not-so-good plastics, maybe even the same doc who keeps trying (and failing) to make DM look younger

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Looked rough to me too. Praying for you and all of the people who have lawsuits against this abusive organization. Maybe this weekend’s events will help open the eyes of our justice department and they will dig a little deeper and get a better understanding of what actually happens in arbitration and YOU will be a great advocate for this. We love and support you and the rest for your perseverance!

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I have no issue judging celebrity clothes. They knew what they were in for. And those shoes, in the words of OJ Simpson, are ugly-ass.

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That’s the most restrained set I’ve ever seen for one of these. What happened to Mindscavenge’s Mafia-Housewife-meets-Late-Marcabian-Empire aesthetic? So austere!

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Perhaps he's going for a Scarface-meets-Upscale-Arslykan-Brutalist aesthetic?

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Now that Tom Cruise has been outed as a loyal minion of the Niblet, will any tabloid take notice? I do hope that some of the late night talk shows pick up on this.

I have observed that the chairs seem to have been placed like it is Spirit Airlines Economy class. The food looks like it was prepared for some TV cooking show. I'd rather go to the Golden Coral and go buffet style.

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Does anyone know who the woman is in the photo of Cruise and Philippe?

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Like many others stated, Tiny Tom Cruise is not looking very good these days!

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Chilly Wee Wee made the gig, bigly...

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My God! What do I have to do to belong to that exquisitely select club?!!

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Jenna and Bodhi look like they have an evil plot against the world

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