Good to hear Jonny’s thoughts on this. I’m wondering if the Legion d’honneur is many different things (in which TC could well have gotten one) or if this particular order is just one more order among several that the French Government hands out? I found one official webpage which describes the medal as one of four that different ministries can hand out, and which described them as cases other than legion d’honneur.

Oh, and Arnaud Palisson is the Real Thing.

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Jonny Jacobsen has always been a thorn in $cientology's back side and I love his take on all of this. Arnaud Palisson's slap down is even better. I do hope that French media takes notice of this.

There may be a more less serious explanation for TC's honor.

Est-ce que le fait que je frotte tes tétons t'excite ?

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Not surprising that this french women would use her position to satisfy her own fan dreams of meeting with a commercially successful famous actor(not artistically successful). Her superficial whim diminishes the award she gave to Cruise. Scientology is great a giving out awards for materialism not for altruistic accomplishments.

Cruise’s accomplishments have helped Hubbard/Miscavige’s abusive, exploitative, fraudulent organization alive for yet another week, month or year. Cruise does not deserve French Kinghthood he deserves French Dumpsterhood.

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Jul 30·edited Jul 30

Brilliant excellent finding the right person to quote Jonny Jacobsen.

Jonny understands the history and context.

thankyou so much.

And this ex French minister Jonny quotes. Doesn't get any better.

(I really do think the saying: You can't make a silk purse out of sow's ear, this will always be true of all things L. Ron Hubbard's.)

Tom Cruise is a model, not an actor. A photo model, aging and inevitably losing it. He will eventually only be a dull fading silk purse to L. Ron Hubbard's sow's ear.

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Although it may be tempting to refer to Cruise as Sir, no matter how tempted people are to use that title on him, the title he already has, which is the best and most real thing anyone can call him is Huge Piece of Shit.

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One angle is this gives himself an up over Miscavige who will never acquire such recognition.

Maybe Cruise is finally coming out from under Miscavige's spell.

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Also, this is one thing Miscavige will never get.

Is Cruise emerging from Miscavige's spell, knowing this is something Miscavige can't even pull off.

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