Looking forward to your correspondents’ coverage of the sentencing. I’m sure they’ll do a stellar job.

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I’m sure Scientology has thrown those two lawyers under the bus. The church has no loyalty to anyone except little Davey.

And now Danny Masterson is the poster boy for the cult. Nothing could be more appropriate. Karma is a bitch.

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Hey Tony, seems a shame that after all your reporting you won’t be there for the final stage. We will all look forward to your reporting. Hopefully your correspondents won’t forget to report on certain people’s sartorial splendour. I hope Masterson gets a stiff sentence.

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A $900 fine is nothing, I think Mesereau decided to just pay it and carry on and maybe get some distance from Davey. Applebaums hands may not be quite as dirty so she’s going to try and clear her name. Masterson still was convicted, the COS still had more negative PR and Masterson gets sentenced tomorrow. Davey wasted so much time and money and FAILED. 🤣😂🤣

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I wish the fine was more than $900.

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The fine means nothing, the sanction means everything. An attorney being sanctioned is a big deal. It goes “on his permanent record”.

There are several times a year when an attorney must answer the question “have you ever been sanctioned? Then it must be explained.

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