Good one! Such excellent explaining.

From Miscavige's view, Gaspari is the "out ethics" one in the wrong, otherwise Trish, if she's helping authorities investigate Gaspari's possible ripping her off, it must be with Miscavige's authorization that Gaspari's in the wrong.

Hubbard rules to let fellow Scientologists help authorities go after a fellow Scientologist can only do so with authorization.

Miscavige must agree with this, otherwise, if it's all on Trish's own steam to get Gaspari held responsible by authorities, it means she's already decided he's guilty and needs outside legal authorities to punish him. It kind of means Gaspari is afraid himself of the normal in house "church" arbitration which would be against him likely even harsher than would be outside legal authorities dealing with this money exchange issue between Trish and him.

But per the Hubbard rules, still, this is about the highest level ever failed Chaplain's arbitration. Fellow Scientologists ought to submit to a chaplains or WISE arbitration between each other. Miscavige has to be in on this conflict, the amounts of money are just too significant.

Money is the top consideration here, it's a lot of money Trish doesn't want going to this fellow Scientologist who she believes and has decided is doing wrong with it, so much so to NOT use Scientology arbitration rules to get her money back.

Going to authorities to get her money back, is not per Hubbard, obviously, it's not using the arbitration.

Gaspari also, himself, would do better even if he has to sit in jail for a while. If I were him, I'd rely on outside legal authorities and not his "church" who will be harsher on him to give back the money to Trish.

It appears, most likely, he's the one at fault though. Fighting over some huge amounts of money, and he's the sly one, glad in a way, if that is the truth, he's giving Trish some grief in life.

The "highest" OT Scientologists getting ripped off by one another, and suffering some pain for their "losses." Obviously her OT powers aren't working. She ought to realize she's thrown more money at Scientology stupidly than anyone on earth, but that realization will be slow in coming.

What a waste of money all around. Scientology doesn't deserve funding, period, give the money to country's tax piggybanks to benefit the whole country.

The trouble of being rich and throwing large piles of money around, trying to make more, what to say, these people have more than they'll ever ever need in ten lifetimes, of wealth, what creeps in history if you ask me.

One other thought, since Trish is helping authorities get her money back, that also means she does not believe in Scientology's "arbitration" in this instance, LOL. So much for faith in the home team's in house "justice" system, especially when it comes to "big" money disputes.

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Good points

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So the Church of Scientology was given substantial ownership of a company that makes psychiatric drugs. Wow!

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Holy Hubbard, Batman! Even if Gaspari hadn't felt like he woke up and was no longer a Scientogist he certainly isn't now after this article. And I assume neither is his wife whether she wanted to stay or not. Two new official 'Church' enemies there.

How well can CoS pull off Fair Game in Switzerland? How is Switzerland's relationship with CoS?

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This is what happens when you mess with an upstat in Scientology. A shining example of the “nonexistent” fair game policy.

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IAS Donations, dodgy bank loans, percentage cuts to the “registrar” … It wouldn’t be the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology without financial shenanigans.

I’m not too late to add “inconceivable!”

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Trish Duggan is an ultra member of Scientology in good standing. It also means she is brainwashed and capable of psychotic conduct. Being extremely rich has nothing to do with being sane. This is one more case of the idiocy fomented by the cherch of Scientology. It’s toxicity is boundless.

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No one from Scientology is forcing Trish Duggan to use Scientology arbitration with Ivan Gaspari.

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Just another Scientology "Success Story"

Numerous strokes, hospitalization and incarceration after millions of dollars of Bridge and

donations. He is impoverished, the cult keeps the $$$$$

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Yes, they paralyze the mind and body.

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The Duggans sold their drug company to the devil, a company that makes a psychiatric drug. Wow!

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What a story, Tony. Thank you very much.

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ON the Scientology arbitration side of things, this example shows a former Scientologist, NOT being forced into arbitration, instead, the rich opposing existing Scientologist is getting authorities to investigate the ex Scientologist.

In a way, that is the right direction. I think he'll come out better using regular authorities vs trying to do arbitration.

But this Trish Duggan non use of Scientology arbitration with even this "SP" "ex" Scientologist, while it is the right thing to do, I think, still it shows that Scientology will use authorities for justice when recently Scientology has forced FORMER Scientologists to use Scientology arbitration and fought successfully, so far, legally to force former Scientologists who wished to use the legal system to NOT be able to use the legal system.

So this is a point I hope other attorneys keep in mind.

Scientology is allowing a rich follower to go to outside authorities to get justice, but Scientology recently has been repeatedly disallowing former Scientologists to utilize the legal system to get justice.

This is very sick hypocrisy on official Scientology's part.

Why not allow ALL Scientologists the full use of the legal systems of their countries they live in?

Seems only the "rich" Scientologists can easily go to authorities for legal justice.

NEVER join never sign any legal documents with official Scientology.

Xenu's body-thetans shower on the heads of all OSA Int staff members.

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