"He likes to pretend I can't see through his bullshit"... Jasen Rolfe has excellent insight into his father's condition. The eradication of 'human emotion and reaction' (H E and R?) is supposed to be an end phenomenon of the $cieno mind set. Dave Rolfe sounds like the perfectly brain washed Clam. No wonder he forks over big bucks with his current wife. That is what every $cieno is supposed to do, isn't it? All that lack of H E and R towards his children is also a $cieno sacrament.

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"Be kind to people who have to walk away from family. Some of their stories will never be told because of how complex and painful they are. Estrangement is a necessary path for many who are broken hearted." -- Nate Postlethwait

And on walking away from family (members)"That was never their plan. They tried hard to make it work. It's been costly and full of grief" -- Nate Postlethwait

Thank you for telling part of your story Jasen, I hope you continue to find peace and support and I am glad you have your mom and sister and the friend who rescued you. It is hard to speak up, even when Scientology isn't involved. My love to you, your sister, and especially your mother on being cycle breakers.

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“As I was growing up my dad was always emotionless. His only solution to my problems was giving me money” ugh. My ex would call me once in a blue moon and tell me he was coming to get the kids. No prior warning, no choice, he would just be there at a specific time. I would rearrange our schedules so he could have his quarterly visit with them, then we would wait and wait and wait for him to show up. My daughter had to leave a planned event early to see her dad. It was long over by the time he showed. When he walked in the door she burst into tears. His response? “Aww you’re sad, let’s go buy you something.” Scientology teaches you that money fixes everything while it bleeds you dry.

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