Completely irresponsible robotic adherence to the Hubbard quackery procedures and Hubbard penalty regulations, rather than get modern medicine that would saved her life.
Hubbard's quackery regulations and penalty "religious rights" confine fanatical Scientologists with bad impossible choices.
This tragedy is expertly explained here, thankyou.
When I read this the first time it was released I had only been out of Scientology for 2 years.
I related to Lisa’s story in a personal way. I spent 3 years as a recluse with acute depression before discovering Tony Ortega’s articles in the Village Voice. I was going the way of Lisa McPherson and Scientology didn’t know what to do with me because Hubbard had no idea how to handle serious mental illness. This has always been a serious point of illogic. Scientology wants to destroy Psychiatry and all related forms of therapy and yet it has NOTHING to effectively treat severe mental problems. For me Hubbard’s wrong answers to life cause deadly health issues, they don’t help heal them. Lisa’s experience is not isolated. I can personally testify to that. I almost died under the baby watch of Scientology.
My documentary Brothers Broken will come out early next year and it documents my decent into depression thanks to the gaslighting of Scientology and Scientologists.
Geoff, I too went through a similar situation prior to leaving scientology.
Under normal conditions (not indoctrinated with lrh solutions), one would have the ability of self-reflection. With that valuable tool, he would work himself out of a situation he could see was not good for his wellbeing.
Once one has been indoctrinated with lrhs evaluation and invalidation he losses his ability to self-reflect and it becomes lrh/self reflection. He looses his own mind to this degree.
I still can't believe how brainwashed these people were/are to have watched Lisa die and not do a damn thing about it but lie. Did it take a medical degree to call an ambulance, regardless of the stupid rules of LRH? Why were they able to get away with murder?
Completely irresponsible robotic adherence to the Hubbard quackery procedures and Hubbard penalty regulations, rather than get modern medicine that would saved her life.
Hubbard's quackery regulations and penalty "religious rights" confine fanatical Scientologists with bad impossible choices.
This tragedy is expertly explained here, thankyou.
"She was owed better." Everyone who was trampled by $cientology was and is owed better.
Remember, remember the 5th of December,
Lisa McPherson's confinement and death
for there is a reason why murder by neglect should not be forgot
When I read this the first time it was released I had only been out of Scientology for 2 years.
I related to Lisa’s story in a personal way. I spent 3 years as a recluse with acute depression before discovering Tony Ortega’s articles in the Village Voice. I was going the way of Lisa McPherson and Scientology didn’t know what to do with me because Hubbard had no idea how to handle serious mental illness. This has always been a serious point of illogic. Scientology wants to destroy Psychiatry and all related forms of therapy and yet it has NOTHING to effectively treat severe mental problems. For me Hubbard’s wrong answers to life cause deadly health issues, they don’t help heal them. Lisa’s experience is not isolated. I can personally testify to that. I almost died under the baby watch of Scientology.
My documentary Brothers Broken will come out early next year and it documents my decent into depression thanks to the gaslighting of Scientology and Scientologists.
I feel abhored what SCN did to you and probably many others we don't know about. I feel glad you're here, Geoff, and able to help others.
Geoff, I too went through a similar situation prior to leaving scientology.
Under normal conditions (not indoctrinated with lrh solutions), one would have the ability of self-reflection. With that valuable tool, he would work himself out of a situation he could see was not good for his wellbeing.
Once one has been indoctrinated with lrhs evaluation and invalidation he losses his ability to self-reflect and it becomes lrh/self reflection. He looses his own mind to this degree.
Thus it’s a slippery slope to success.
I look forward to your movie.
Tony is on Bluesky, let everyone know. I posted there on todays article.
I still can't believe how brainwashed these people were/are to have watched Lisa die and not do a damn thing about it but lie. Did it take a medical degree to call an ambulance, regardless of the stupid rules of LRH? Why were they able to get away with murder?