The 'make it go right' and 'postulate' mindset does allow more latitude in business work than completely honest people would go. The $cieno mindset of multi level marketing and the hierarchy of OTness gives a lot of latitude to those selling snake oil or swamp land in New Jersey. The 'you be you' mindset is just an excuse for some to sca…
The 'make it go right' and 'postulate' mindset does allow more latitude in business work than completely honest people would go. The $cieno mindset of multi level marketing and the hierarchy of OTness gives a lot of latitude to those selling snake oil or swamp land in New Jersey. The 'you be you' mindset is just an excuse for some to scam each other and any wogs that can be fleeced.
All hail Jonny Jacobsen and Emmanuel Fansten, they got dirty digging in the clam bed and cooked the criminal clams. Give props to Fansten's news paper, Libération for their support of his work. And give more props to L’Echo du Centre, the newspaper that outed Pincanon's latest 'business deal'. As that guy on the A-Team says, 'I love it when a plan comes together'. And thanks to some dogged (bark, bark) journalists and their employers, scams have been outed and fraud exposed.
Give the French legal system its due, they found the CO$ guilty of Fraud. Something that few other countries have had the ability to do.
The 'make it go right' and 'postulate' mindset does allow more latitude in business work than completely honest people would go. The $cieno mindset of multi level marketing and the hierarchy of OTness gives a lot of latitude to those selling snake oil or swamp land in New Jersey. The 'you be you' mindset is just an excuse for some to scam each other and any wogs that can be fleeced.
All hail Jonny Jacobsen and Emmanuel Fansten, they got dirty digging in the clam bed and cooked the criminal clams. Give props to Fansten's news paper, Libération for their support of his work. And give more props to L’Echo du Centre, the newspaper that outed Pincanon's latest 'business deal'. As that guy on the A-Team says, 'I love it when a plan comes together'. And thanks to some dogged (bark, bark) journalists and their employers, scams have been outed and fraud exposed.
Give the French legal system its due, they found the CO$ guilty of Fraud. Something that few other countries have had the ability to do.