The show can be watched here in French: https://ici.tou.tv/enquete (I am able to stream the video fine from here in the UK)

It is also on YouTube and Auto-Translate is enabled to translate into English:


There is a version on the Internet Archive that uses the subtitle-text and these were translated into English by a wonderful French speaker.

You can search the Internet Archive for "Les remèdes de la scientologie" and you will find it! (Search here: https://archive.org/details/movies -- you need to enable closed-captions/subtitles in the video-player)

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Thank you, Jon and once again, thank you, Tony

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It wasn't just me. "Someone" helped to adjust the subtitles. Thanks go to them. And agreed.... without Tony where would we be??!?!??

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Thank you for finding that - I watched the one on Internet Archive and the translations were excellent!

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Wow. Nice work!

I oversaw the Purification Program at Celebrity Centre Hollywood for many years. Whenever we had to use a non-Scientology doctor for the approval to start the program, we had a simple explanation for the doctor: We just need this patient checked that his heart and liver are healthy enough for a rigorous physical program. No explanation of the program at all was done or required.

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Great work and article, to share generously over the weekend.

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That's even shadier than expected. What's with the don't bring the vitamins into the org bit?

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Great work Phil, thanks so much.

Scientology ought to just sell their spiritual beliefs, period, and dumb their ideas down, and if the public want to buy into the Hubbard soul beliefs, that's their "religious option" most countries allow.

But the spiritual beliefs are tied into so many of Hubbard's other crazy illegal ideas, are more than double whammy bad for anyone seeking "spiritual" help from the Hubbard products lineup.

Purif today, and stick with Scientology for a decade or more, and then you finally get to learn of the exorcism of the Xenu R6 implanted "body-thetans" (Scientology's exoricsm) on OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, which is the long game of Scientology. A whole lotta exorcism OT 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 awaits all newcomers who stick to the full Hubbard lineup of "spiritual" improvement products.

Xenu's R6 implanted body-thetans infesting all humanity, and leaking their invisible souls' mental troubles into our soul minds, is NOT humanity's problem.

I wish Scientology would upfront just spell out their spiritual wares, and not hide their ideas and offerings.

Hubbard's alternative "help" to the psychiatric field is Hubbard's soul theories and exorcism.

Scientology's not winning this sales war.


If counter protestors showed up to counter protest the CCHR anti psych protestors whom Scientology sicks on the yearly Psychiatric conventions, me, I'd have a Xenu, body-thetans, and R6 implant messages to aim at the hapless Scientologists anti psych people.

Xenu and body-thetans, and explaining the Xenu/body-thetan/exorcism OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 info and aim that at Scientologists, works the only "magic" that Scientology has, which is the Hubbard ludicrous dire taboo fears that Hubbard's dogma instills in the Scientologists to fear hearing publicly the Xenu/body-thetans/R6 implanting OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 info.

Scientologists are not allowed publicly to hear their own secret exorcism theory, so I urge giving them their taboo info and watch their unbrainwashing as you do it.

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