Gavin Potter has always looked like a wannabe Miscavige clone to me. I do hope the house of cards falls soon. So many people damaged by this mob masquerading as a church.

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why do both of them look like they drool when they talk?

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Because they do?

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The Damnation Navy fetish for pre-teen recruits (easier to radicalise, see?) and refusal to consider the proper authorities as - well - authorities, leads to environments where abusers thrive.

No child should have to go through the abuse and I wish Jane Doe 1 (and all other ex-victims) good luck.

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Hubbard set up Scientology's institutionalized obstruction of justice.

This is a subject that needs formal outside discussion, which is how to change a group which doggedly retains self institutionalized obstruction of justice.

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I had a couple of encounters with gavin potter. He is a total POS!

ps I was not a minor and it was not of a sexual nature... but he is very forceful in his communications to get you to do what he wants you to do. All the while smiling his big toothy smile. Yuck! He creeped me the f out and I removed myself from those encounters immediately.

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Yup, the ol' creepy "tone 40" scientological affect with sadistic narcissist overtones; a true

"winning valence" seen in the cult again and again, decade after decade.

McSavage, Grunt Carbone, Bomb Snooze, et al...

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Go Jane Doe 1. Many courageous women and men are behind you. Please help us take down this for-profit non-church and stop the cult that enslaves and brain waves its loyal servants

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I'm always here for JD1! Her bravery and stamina are so impressive.

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I worked with Gavin Potter on many occasions as a performer/musician. He was always a smooth operator. Very attractive to female scientologists. And he rose up the ranks as a recruiter and a draw for SO events quickly. This not at all surprising. I probably did 40 to 50 events with him. The view that Scientology children are just ancient beings in small bodies has often justified sex with underage children in the SO or on staff.

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Sick 🤮

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Josephine, as long as he got lots of money and recruits he was untouchable.

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Scientology still keeps on getting worser than you thought.

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Gavin Potter was a prime time travel around the world $cieno Reg for many years. His traveling salvation show brought in a lot of money and he and Micheal Chan were internal clebs in the $cienoverse. Now we know that Potter was a pedophile. Why am I not surprised? How many others has he victimized?

How many other pedophiles and rapists are being protected by the CO$? JD1 is just the tip of the iceberg. I wish her attorneys good luck and perfect preparation for the new marathon that Jd1 has embarked on.

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Sounds like the Catholic Church playbook to protect abusers with a huge dose of victim blaming plus prohibition of reporting to law enforcement thrown in on top. Really hoping JD1 can win this.

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Jane Doe 1 is such a warrior to take them on not once but twice. It’s heartbreaking that she experienced such abuse for so long all facilitated by a “chuch.” I want her to be the one to figuratively burn it all to ground. 🫶

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“Bridge Babes.” BRIDGE BABES.

How ecclesiastical.

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Mirrors the Flubbardian Thetan's misogyny. And for them, hey, they're just meat bodies and because they are female, think... "utility and service."


Infinity scale evil-reliably and predictably.


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As in Crowley, the fallen angel, from “Good Omens”? Great book 😁

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Graham Berry on the case. Watch out.

Go Jane Doe 1. Lots of folks out here pulling for you!

David Miscavige: Thug. Sociopath. Coward. With all of that money, with all of those

p.i. thugs, with all of those expensive slimeball lawyers, and all of that Macallan...you

are screwed.

You pay, reward, and protect pedophiles and rapists(and have done so for decades). Best to keep that flight plan to "Bulgravia" (alluding to the ethics book "power and power change" formulas) current and the escape jet fueled, because if you ever find yourself in ANY prison, cons AND corrections officers will line up to "terminatedly handle" your decades of fuckery...

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Institutionalized obstruction of justice.

The OSA/DSA paperwork checklists used to weekly obstruct justice in Scientology corporate setups need leaking. I forget the name of it, but the old GO staff used to do it, and then OSA and DSA staff have continued to do this weekly paperwork checklist of actions to obstruct outside authorities catching Scientology's felonies.

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*lights cigarette*

Damn that was good. 🤣

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Is it possible that Gavin Potter is the backstairs son of D. Miscavige? The resemblance is startling!

It is said also, that psychologically we chose people with similar features to our own, to love and marry. Just sayin'.

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