He said “well it’s obvious that you are using the Internet so I’m just going to have you blacklisted.”

Awesome! You should take a bow, Valerie, and the Internet should take a bow. Lovely work.

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Marc Headley take a bow. It was knowledge that I got from his book that got me blacklisted.

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May 11Liked by Tony Ortega

Troublemakers then, but Troublemakers 2024 now outnumber the Scientology oppressors.

The longer silencers like Elisabeth Moss refuse to rise and speak, the more Troublemakers like Val Ross will stand up and spill the beans.


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Wow! Thanks for thinking I belong on that amazing list.

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May 12·edited May 12

I'd add Fort Docs (Plummer) if I could :) Hope your book comes out soon.

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More hugs for Val. What a woman!

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Thanks for rising back out of the ashes to tell your story. It’s been an a joy for me to hear because of shared people and places. Peace be with you.

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I appreciate Val sharing her experience of being in Scientology and can relate to her being stalked by members after leaving the cult. I was involved in Scientology in Toronto in the 80's and finally turned my back on it in 1988. It was exactly 20 years later in 2008 when a woman from the local org called me. I told her I had no intention of being involved again. She sent me a video anyway and I sent it right back to her saying I don't want to be contacted by anyone from Scientology and I don't want any information sent to me. She just passed my name on to everyone else at the Toronto org and the mail and phone calls continued. You don't have to be stupid to be on staff at the Church of Scientology but I guess it's an asset. I no longer use a landline and I have a new address so hopefully I've finally gotten rid of them. Scientology has always had a small following and it's become much smaller since the beginning of the internet. Hopefully very soon, Scientology will fade away completely and will be just a bad memory in history.

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As long as there is money to be made from it, Scientology will continue to exist. When big donors stop funding it, it will cease.

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"there were pieces of brain shrapnel from that period embedded in places that snuck up on me." Every former $cieno, every former member of a high control group knows that one very well. As you said, living well is the best revenge. And telling your story is even better revenge. The truth does move people out of the fox hole they created for themselves.

I am sorry that ESMB wasn't more considerate of your story. I did notice a lot of 'troll tossing' there and there were many trolls trying to disrupt things. You were not one of them. Your story rings bells for many and many will get closer to jumping the fence or finally jumping over it because of you.

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Val, I agree with you regarding the damage that needs to be addressed after leaving Scientology. I see the effects manifested by other ex’s on social media. They ignore the issues they never addressed in Scientology and barely addressing the damage created when they were in.

I was in for 46:years. I’m still working on certain issues that,have just surfaced and I’ve been out since 2012.

Thank you Val for telling your story. It helps us all.

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The hardest part is figuring out just how much damage Scientology caused you. Until you can let your brain understand that the thing you believed was helping you was actually doing you damage, you can’t address the damage. A lot of people leave Scientology because of how they were treated and believe Scientology was good.bit takes a long time to figure out just how bad it was. Hubbard and now Miscavige have created a lot of damaged souls. I hope reading other people’s experiences helps them get their issues handled. I look forward to your documentary getting more air time. Every voice counts.

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Absolutely. Yes you can’t do damage control if you don’t see the damage. When I knew I was done with Hubbards brainwashing tech I decided that deprogramming was priority one. As I worked on improving myself and my sanity life started becoming much more enjoyable and rewarding. Bottom line, I’m still working on points in my life and outlook I need to improve.

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Dearest Val, some things you said reflect the Soulstar you are--a still unconditionally loving BEing, but not the dormat we are considered due to our kindness. I intend you'll find Kendra free and happy. I love your articles and will continue to read every one of them. Thank you for helping those who are still in and those who are out. Much love always, 💜

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Thank you.

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May 11·edited May 11

Oh my gosh, you packed a lot in this episode. You are so smart, I enjoy your explaining things so much, I hope you put up a Ebook at least.

I'll miss these stories articles, if this is the last one.


Biggest takeaway, is that outsiders, never in people, who can see what Hubbard/Scientology is for real, are the best allies to make in life. Get back out of Scientology, get away from all your Scientology connections, start again away from the Scientology web of disfunctional Hubbard messed up indoctrinated Scientologists.

You wrote:

"...Now my dentist, my doctor, my mailman, everyone from the family reunion, anyone who will listen to me knows I was in and knows to stay away. I know from talking to them that each time I write something else, they share it with others and they discuss it among themselves. They take to heart what it is and has always been to associate with Scientology and know to stay away......"

That is the way it really is. Stay away from Scientology, it's really something to tell everyone.

Every chance I get, if appropriate, I first ask, "You're not a Scientologist are you?" to make sure the person won't be offended, then I just say all the media, all the TV shows from Leah Remini are true, and it's worse. The celebrities are dupes, pampered dupes.

Etc., etc.


That Kendra read Keeping Scientology Working as her lead in to trying to recover you, that says it all.

Larry Jacobs! Wow, he was on the RPF in PAC, and photo'd with the RPF crew doing Shrine event setups that the RPFers from PAC always do.


Kudos on stopping the CST Wyoming burying of Hubbard's steel plates/etc.


For any never in Scientology, to disqualify oneself from being ever approached by a Scientologist, just speak the taboo Xenu body-thetans story to them, to get them to disqualify them ever contacting you. (Talking Xenu to them, they have to tag you with the disqualification status of "Dead File" meaning they aren't to reach out to you----easiest way to achieve the much valued "Dead File" status, just talk Xenu and body-thetans stuff to them, for newbies to learn and speak Xenu body-thetans stuff to Scientologists, is magical.)

Xenu's body-thetans are L. Ron Hubbard's worst self caused creation.

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Great story about Wyoming, Val. It must have been a terrific feeling seeing that awful hole in the ground being covered up, hopefully for good.

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No thanks necessary, my love. We may walk different paths, you, I and others, but I recognize when my soul is connected to another. One day soon, I'd like to share the visions I've received for years. Much love, 💜

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Just WOW. Thank you for everything you do. I have a sibling and nephew who are still believers and wish just a tiny bit of what you have written here could get through to them. Wishing you the best of everything from this point forward!

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Great story from a truly capable person. I left by drifting away and then showing complete disinterest with any attempt at recovery. I was unimportant, so likely easier. I fortunately dropped acid in my teens so was excluded from Sea Org membership. Harder is separating from all damage caused by years of indoctrination. I still struggle with feeling I deserve moments of joy and happiness. I hide grief and sadness. I still have nightmares. I have a good life - two successful children, a loving and supportive husband, a home and am financially secure, but I don’t feel secure. I have extended family living nearby who are prominent Scientologists and former Scn friends living in the same town, but they do not contact me. I am sure I am on some list. This used to bother me but I am finding that it matters less and less as time goes on. Thank you for your story.

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Given the nastiness that is Scientology, I applaud you for your courage.

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Scn will never stop doing what it does...even though its reputation gets blacker and blacker because of people like you, Tony, Leah, Mike, Karen, and hundreds and hundreds more who KNOW Scn doesn't work, that it's NOT a 'church', and that it IS a SCAM. That being said...I have the idea that the techniques used re handling 'suppressives' that LRH and those in the Guardian's Office created are exactly those being used by certain parties in our very own government. There are VERY DEFINITE similarities between the two. If you doubt, all you have to do is re-familiarize yourself with the SP policy and then look at what is being done to anyone who opposes what the higher ups in our government have and are doing. I've wondered why Scn's tax-exempt status has never been cancelled when, with so much being televised and written about them, their RICO activities, their involvement in criminal activities (e.g., the Masterson fiasco, etc.) and they've managed to evade investigations! Some of you will pooh pooh what I've written. Before calling me hallucinatory, just look at the SP policy letter again and the actions that opponents of the current government suffer through when they disagree with the status quo. If this is actually the case, Scn is here forever.

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