(Just an edit: I have felt the need to stop supporting Tony's Substack today as I reported I had been harassed to a collaborator of Tony's and I was made to feel like I am a liar. As such I feel the need to withdraw from being a source for Tony. I do appreciate his work, but I was harassed and stalked and that is that. All the best kids. Hope you bring this cult down. I have a battle with a much nastier cult and this is where we part ways. Be true to yourselves and watch out for those Red-Flags... they don't lie!)


Diane Abbott is on record as being the most abused Member of Parliament.

She has been Member of Parliament since 1987.

She was the first Black-female to represent a constituency.

Abbott was Shadow-Home-Secretary 2016-2020

Even to this day, mentions of Diane trigger racists, sexists, bigots and incels to abuse her.




Thank you Diane Abbott for stepping in.

(Edit: come to think of it, if anyone knows about organised Fair-Game it's the Right Honourable Diane Abbott! Loving this!)

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"$cientology has a history of fraudulent activity internationally...." the Honorable Diane Abbot gets it and would appear to be educated in the ways of the Clampire. Taking away the tax exemption for just the 'chapels' would not be very expensive, but it is a proper decision that should have been made long ago.

As window dressing goes, this one is about dressing the entire 'church'. And as honest reviews goes, this one is an atomic wedgie.

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It's amazing to see the work that Alex continues to do to hold $ci and its enablers accountable. Thanks, Tony for this zoom chat, and update from Alex. I really enjoy seeing the different reports that you and Alex have partnered on.

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I support Alex. Such good news. He is an example of an ex who is there to be effective. Any if you are in Great Britain you can coordinate with him and write letters and/or emails or texts to your MPs.

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Her recent statement regarding anti-semitism gave me pause..but fully back her on this.

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"Ms Abbott was suspended as a Labour MP after suggesting Jewish, Irish and Traveller people were not subject to racism "all their lives".

She later apologised and withdrew the remarks, written in a letter to the Observer newspaper."

24 April 2023 BBC


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It is unfair that even in the main media they score the goal for us with the lack of rigor in the lexicon and definitions. It is a fact: if you are anti-Zionist, you are already considered anti-Semitic.

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We have just been witness to TWO saints talking with one another; one an apostate and the other actually volunteered to be the voice of truth!

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Diane Abbott gets it - good for everybody. Nice initiative.

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Admirable work Alex.

Let's see if this fantastic person, Diane Abbot and mistreated servant of the people by retrograde minds, manages to raise awareness of the importance of the issue.

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Fantastic work you are doing, Alex. Thank you, Tony, for all that you do also.

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