Oct 6·edited Oct 6

So, people who get trained become young white men with a nice car? LOL. The video really shows their judgement of people who are not them. The few places that showed women - the untrained housewife, the trained sectretary, the head of a woman's group. Clearly they need some training in PR and inclusivity for one thing. :P As an old auditor and C/S, I do think that training, was a key piece of the bridge, but this did not really capture it at all. Kind of made me cringe for them.

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Have a great, peaceful and informative protest, people. Don’t forget to video tape all the time. In all of the little groups.

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I love how Scientology wants to use the laws to apply for a special no protest exception for SH, but won't follow the laws in putting up tent structures or installing illegal hedges. I think the latter should be taken into account when they are considering the former. You shouldn't be allowed to prevent people from lawfully protesting on public spaces near your property if you can't follow laws on your property.

Or as last year showed, even remember to get a permit and give notice to locals about your already announced event. Because the traffic situation was more disruptive to locals residents and businesses than the protests were.

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The auditor video is so second rate AI generated animation. It’s amateur. And the IAS video is same old gold, horses, gold and knights.

It will be interesting to see who shows up this year. The most important people to be there are Alex and his crew.

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That training video had all the elan of an Amway come on. I love the charging horses and the Knights who say 'weee....'. The Fabio imitator was an excellent touch. The torch guy re-stimulated my Statue of Liberty engram. But then I got over it. I give high marks to the production values shown.

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Oh no! I am no expert but that training video may be the worst video I have ever seen. I wouldn't have watched it all the way through if I saw it anywhere else but on the Bunker.

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So if you become an auditor you (only a man) become a d@$ebag with a vehicle that enhances your ego. Receiving auditing enhances a woman to the point where they become an executive secretary, yippee!

After twelve years as a licensed investment advisor with hundreds of millions under his management, my son left to become a vice president of finance at a multi billion dollar firm. Imagine what he could have accomplished in his forties if I had forced him to be enslaved to Scientology.

Oh, wait! He would probably be working twenty hour days and not be speaking to me right now, and I could see him just like that flash of Emily Jones we saw in the video. No thanks. He’s doing great not being an auditor.

Tbh, that video made me feel kind of withdrawn. I was not at all excited about what they were selling. More creeped out. But, hey, they have been forced to go there by the number of times they’ve had to remake videos because people blow. Way to go.

Bring on the IAS. This has to be the most peaceful protest ever because Miscavige will be doing his best to make the protesters look bad.

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Whoever shows up, I vote for at least one sign that simple says:



Those the two spoiler alert magic taboo words, which Scientology still to this day cannot define publicly, but which directly relate to the OT 3, 4, and 5 exorcism procedures which are done at Saint Hill Advanced Scientology Organization there.

My favorite spoiler alert short sentence, which I wish some protestors had flashed for me to see if they had I'd have remembered it and I'd have instantly understood the ramifications of it:


It's a simple spoiler alert which will go a long ways.

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Oct 6·edited Oct 6

Excellent show, enjoy the weekly updates,,,,,,,, love the article with the evidence of the receipts of the politician going to the Freewinds (I almost wrote "Greedwinds").

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Agreed Geoff Levin is truly so pro, so excellent, with his songs.

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Oct 6·edited Oct 6

I've wasted so much thought and offered so many opinions, just for posterity, my thoughts are:

a) the auditor role, achieving, is truly the core critical role and role model of the movement

b) Hubbard's hype DNA, the Hubbard marketing tagalong policy driving the Scientology paperpusher "top decicison-making" is just deep into all that organized Scientology must follow, and what will be seen by all newbies and outsiders who never plan to join

it's a clash, and it's Hubbard's wishes that the official movement hype market itself, period, expect it, and that's all that official top current and future paperpusher leaders of Scientology will do. They are forced to follow Hubbard's paperpusher strategic writings/lectures.

Step a) though, is what a practicing Scientology ought to do. Become the auditor, and when you use the briefcase shown being held by the auditor in this video, that briefcase holds the Hubbard electronic gizmo, that gizmo supposedly finds the "charge" in one's spiritual memories to address and alleviate, and the case with the Hubbard "EMeter" gizmo, it's more a type of Ghostbuster's Proton Pack, honestly, a cross between an Ouija Board pointer device, and a GhostBuster's Proton Pack to zap "charge/case" of one's spiritual memories, and on the OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exorcism steps of Scientology, the Hubbard Proton Pack finds and supposedly tells the auditor that the body-thetans are alleviated/"freed"/exorcised.

Scientology is irrational, the Hubbard Proton Pack/Emeter does not prove either than spiritual memories "charge" is real, nor does it prove the body-thetans left on earth by Xenu, they are not real.

Hubbard's auditors, though, are the key to the movement even being a subject, they are key roles of Scientology, and all Scientologists who make it to the five exorcism levels (OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7) must by them have learned the fundamentals of being "the auditor" of themselves, since the have to do the exorcism on themselves at OT 3 and OT 6/7 steps.

So, ALWAYS, and forever, periodically, expect "relevant" hype marketing for the Scientologists to become the auditor role. It's a forever "given" of Hubbard's Scientology.


One of the tech films about I think the two pre dianetics books, either History of Dianetics, or the "Dianetics: Evolution of a Science" has an introductory film and the message of that film, is to tell the listerner than by merely understanding the principles of the theory of Dianetics in that early pre Dianetics book, one can heal oneself. It's the knowledge alone "blows charge" and alleviates some significant spiritual memories debilitation that one possesses.

That's a major sales pitch for simply studying the tech, it's getting to understand the principles of the twisty spiritual memories alleviation principles, which will alleviate in yourself as you mentally spot it in yourself.

Hubbard's other weeds cautions you NOT to do "self auditing" on yourself, but just studying the tech is supposed to alleviate "charge" as you will spot and "blow charge" in yourself how Hubbard principles apply to your own life.

That is a huge other sales pitch that is done, and will be done, long range, for selling the Scientologists to do the Hubbard training.

Auditors get to know how the "tech" (the quackery principles) all work, and by doing so it supposedly benefits oneself as you spot how it applies to your "own case" which happens inadvertently supposedly.

The problem with explaining Hubbard's principles is that it almost justifies those principles and leads people who aren't skeptical sufficiently, to possibly fall for the Hubbard quackery.

Hubbard just non stop hypes and lies about the efficacy of his spiritual memories alleviation principles and the techniques of pseudo-therapy and the techniques of the Hubbard exorcism supposedly per Hubbard will unerringly work. Hubbard's hype is nothing but lies.


a) Think of the Hubbard briefcase with the Hubbard Emeter "spiritual artifact" device as the Hubbard Ouija Board/Proton Pack quackery device.

b) Think of auditors as the Hubbard spiritual quackery negative "charge" alleviators

It's all quackery, and it's surrounded by lying hype and false marketing.

And the horrors of being a member and staffer, are constantly churned up and caused by Hubbard's nasty backfiring regulations that constrain the members and staffers of official Scientology.


a) contact Scientologeek on YouTube, and ask how to access the Hubbard 1991 edition red and green volumes

b) Look at the Subject Volumes 3 and 4, and witness the tens of thousands of the Hubbard pseudo-therapy "commands" that are to be stringently used by the auditor when the auditor delivers the pseudo-therapy to the receiver of the Hubbard auditing. JUST look at the commands, and imagine your answers, don't get carried away, just image as you look over dozens and dozens of those commands, what that would do for you (and also how it'd NOT be good for you).

c) Also from Scientologeek, or anyone else, who can direct you to the online "The O.T. Levels volume" which has most of the older, but adequate, EXORCISM procedures for Scientology. On the modern OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exorcism of official Scientology, I don't how where the latest and greatest is nicely put in one place, but "The O.T. Levels Volume" is adequate to give you the gist of the exorcism of Hubbard's.

Scientology is this Hubbard pseudo-therapy and the exorcism, fundamentally, and the auditor role is the role to deliver the quackery.

Were I trying to outsider gain some understanding of Scientology, there is the drawback of talking to a full blown indoctrinated Scientologist, they unfortunately self censor and cannot be adequately frank and comparative in their explanations, and the inevitably come off as robotic and unreflective, since Hubbard was that way, and Hubbard wrote the book on how to talk about, and how to self censor, it's innate to the Scientologists to be as deflective and unhelpful in describing Scientology as Hubbard was.

SO, that's why I say get to the a and b above, go look a the Hubbard "commands" and procedures for his quackery pseudo-therapy and exorcism, and get the gist of the Hubbard aim to alleviate, supposedly, our spiritual memories which are debilitating, and alleviate ourselves of our infestations of Xenu's earth dumped body-thetans.

This step one advice I give outsiders, has yet to catch on to outsiders curious of Scientology today.

It's more normal for outsiders to think going to Scientology to find out about Scientology, is the correct way to learn it.

I think it best to just cut to the chase, cut to skimming over the Hubbard "tech" (quackery) "commands" and procedures used by the auditor and by the advanced members, to learn and see what the quackery of Scientology is all about.

The auditor is who does the quackery.

The auditors of the Hubbard Scientology quackery, are the key roles in the Hubbard practice.

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Yes, miscavage continues to divide the world, Not very spiritual if you ask me.

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The gigantic straight donations info is backed up by the Author Services Inc final money making "advices" principle. Hubbard wished money be funnel in, in the million dollar amounts, the ASI staff each have the quota to make 1 million, selling Hubbard's wares, per year.

Hubbard wished money accumulate, per the "Building Fund" policies, and an adjacent policy about reserves sufficient to run all of the staffed organizations for 2 or 5 years, with "no income" being made.

Hubbard set things up to piggy bank money, and he wishes it to accumulate for a rainy day, and for running Scientology when there is "no income" coming in. And for buildings. And ASI the Hubbard non "church" "LRH properties sales", Hubbard said funnel the money TO the CST/Archives project with those non church profits.

I mean Hubbard was about accumulating money, and it is still to this moment, important to get ALL of the Hubbard final years "private" orders (the ASI traffic, the CST traffic, the INCOMM traffic, the upper management traffic from Hubbard) into the public domain to see in total what Hubbard ordered.

Those orders are what Miscavige is running on, and that's from my experience of having read MOST of those final private writings above.

Lawrence Wright's book, "Going Clear...." final pages, with the info from Sarge Steven Pfauth is so important to consider the longer range import of that admission, even if Hubbard was being only despairingly momentarily self critical, when Hubbard said to Pfauth that Hubbard had failed, at "all of it."

As tiny of a moment that Hubbard comment was, to me, it's so important to elevate that comment. I hope the day comes when even Scientologists learn Hubbard himself despaired he'd failed, and Scientologists get up to the point of this deflating their participation in the Hubbard scam.

Hubbard failed, and admitted it. Don't feel bad if you feel your Scientology time was wasted and failure too!

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HAHAHA to the Trained video. Considering what anyone is paid for their slavery to SCN, how many can afford a fancy convertible and briefcase??? I'll take the school of hard knocks anyday!

Lovely production of the IAS event, but it gives me shivers. Glad Alex will be there to kick some butt, politely. Love ya, Alex!

So glad Kermit won't be paying rent to SCN, hahahaha. Thank you for all the updates, Tony.

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