"...how convenient it is now for Scientologists to do extension courses at home."

1. This can be used to help explain why the big buildings are empty.

2. So, why do you need big, expensive, member-money draining buildings if people can do even more at home? :)

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right! You can even pass misunderstood words at home, and fall asleep with no one bugging you when you doze off due to Hubbard's idiotic teachings.

Also, there's the advantage, that you don't need to "blow" (leave the classroom), since you are already home!

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Wouldn’t it be nice if we could respond to these ads (like a live chat) as they were happening. That would be fun.

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Has the Clampire given up on the Idle mOrgs and are now pushing extension courses?? Nah, they are just going after the market that can't get to a mOrg often. Squeezing every penny out of the Marks is a sign of a company that wants every possible penny.

Is Wyni (Wyndoline? really?? she's an actress and a window cleaner) Landry being groomed for $cieno 'celebrity'? Probably not. She isn't established enough, yet. Her history is something I would like to see covered in a good interview. Not that she would be totally honest. Covering up $cieno abuses is the first law of the Clampire.

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Extension courses have had their ups and downs from being pushed, and then left to dwindle into nothing. For far away people, not close to "orgs" the extension courses are more ideal for them. Near an "org", they want your "body in the shop".

Because they produced zillions of these extention courses to choose from now, and someone running the email answering to the buyers of these courses, it's one way to urge people up to the "book buyer" status, and then push them into becoming "bodies in the shop" and do the "minor courses" and then the "major courses" in the "orgs."

It's a whole stepladder of participation they've had from the 1980s, it falls in and out, and it's become more prevalent in the 2000s and 2010s now, again, but they are so tiny in terms of total extension course participants, worldwide in total, we'd be shocked to see the number of extension course active members weekly, it'd be less than 200 my guess, for the whole world combined.

But, it's a "good" way to get far away newbies to buy the Hubbard Scientology books, so they can then do the Extension Courses which are based on his books.

It's part of the long long runway to the whole Hubbard massive scam that takes decades to complete all the steps to the Hubbard long con.

I wish they'd get some competition from Reddit, with an online competitor "Xenu Explained Extension Course" or similar.

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I noticed on IMDB that both she and her mother have parts listed as if they were on a program more than once but we only on one episode. I haven't seen that before and I'm a long time and frequent visitor.

Looks like she's worked pretty steady, mostly one offs. But her bio makes it sound quite different.


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Her mom has been in many commercials and a few shows, mostly guest roles. She looks like she has the same career path. They both have those all-American good looks (I believe they are from Wisconsin) that work well in commercials

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If one does the Extension Courses, its certainly a potentially successful way to be lured into Scientology.

Maybe someone needs to do the XENU's BODY-THETANS Secrets Extension Course, and make that available, and tell newbies how to just skip to the OT 3,4, 5, 6 and 7 "upper levels" of Scientology.

"Scientology's OT XENU Body-Thetans Secrets Extension Course" would do a lot better.

"The XENU BASICS Extension Course"

"Freeing Body-Thetans from XENU's Implanting Extension Course"

All would sell better, my guess.

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Hooray for Xenu's Playground!

XENU TV forever!

So brilliant, getting newbies simple info on Xenu, and "BTs" even get a mention.

Guaranteed to spoiler alert and disqualify lots of newbies who stumble onto XENU TV shows.

People just have to remember to talk Xenu when visiting Scientology's "orgs" to see the full effect of the word XENU.

Once people talk a little XENU and BODY THETANS to any Scientologists in "orgs" then per the Hubbard "Dead File" regulations, those talking XENU aren't welcome and are shown the door (to people's benefit, since getting kicked out before Scientology can prey upon anyone, is obviously the right thing).

It's all Hubbard's fault, he provided the taboo word XENU that gets you kicked out of Scientology if you talk XENU talk to them. What an idiot Hubbard was. It's XENU-backfiringly-ific.

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"XENU's Disqualifications TIPs Extension Course".

Teaches you how to talk some simple XENU theory, enough to get you kicked out of Scientology forever.

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When I was a fledgling SCN and auditor, Keli Daniels was a fledgling actor and SCN. The rest of her family is in SCN and they sent her into the mission where I worked. She was a baby (very young). Now her daughter is staring in TV commercials like she did. Time flies!

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