Wow 20 years of incessant fraud on members of Scientology. 60 buildings upgraded to what end? An ever expanding religion and social betterment groups? No!

The result of this program is a membership that I dropped below 20,000 from 2003 total that was about 100,000+.

There is no other organization, church or business in the world that keeps building places to hawk their wares when the demand for what they offer is almost nonexistent. It appears there is some kind of serious mental illness within the ranks of the church of Scientology. Thanks to Tony and the ideal Org watchers. Somethings got to give.

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Rehabbing an old building is fun and expensive if done according to 'historical building' standards. All of those buildings need work to be stabilized and made weather proof. Winnipeg is a sad case, a very nice historical building that requires more bodies in the shop and even more to staff the place. There simply aren't enough Clams to support that building. It is up to Tom Cummins and the other whales to step up and put their 'postulates' for a better world in action.

I love 'our' volunteer picture takers and correspondents. Diminutive Davy can't hide from Phil Jones and friends. I remember that the Chicago staff was sent out for 'training' in the new management protocols, but that was 2 or more years ago. Has the Clampire fallen so low that they can't staff a franchise area anymore? It sure seems that way. Or maybe Miscavige is still hiding from process servers. No matter what, the Clam bed seems to be shrinking faster than I thought possible.

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Hi. My name is Felicity Flubless Fubar. I am El Con Tughard's personal emissary from Target Two. The final portion of my journey here, on the Van Allet Belt Bullet Train, was quite comfortable, with spectacular views...

Anyway, ECT has issued an easily duplicated preliminary ethics program for the Wee Worldwide Wanker Widget:

1. Pull your head out of your ass.

2. Scrub and rub it down thoroughly with a mixture of water, Defcon 47, and ethanol...3 TIMES!

3. Find out WHERE YOU ARE!

4. Once you have confirmed WHERE YOU ARE, FIND OUT WHO YOU ARE!

5. COMPLETE Overts and withholds write-up.


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I do hope pellets,questioning whether they should leave are reading this. Hint ... leave.

Although it would be fun to see a building bought by scientology involuntarily demolished, it sounds like Winnipeg has a lot more on their plates. But, it begs asking, if the current scientology building is in such a high crime area, why hasn’t their mere presence reduced the crime rate? I mean, that’s how scientology rolls, right?

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