With the publication of his epic history of Scientology, Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief, New Yorker staffer Lawrence Wright uncovered a lot of new ground that left many of us speechless.
Yes, Kate, I too. I was in Alaska and that’s pretty much all us children had to read. First was Goofus and Gallant cartoon then the stories and games. Ahhhh the simple life 💕
Amazing coincidence of life. (I know you aren't implying this, but what a coincidence which if one were a Scientologist, this would tend to land you into Hubbard's midst as you did later in life, you became one of the persons in one of the all time iconic LRH photos, you were utterly one of the Hubbard's favored "musicians" and in the iconic LRH photo you sit frontrow!!). Like a cosmic "plan". Neil, I know you think Hubbard's a rat, but while in, and during your auditing, did you drum up past lives intersections with Hubbard in your whole track delving?
When I personally first started running gobs of past lives, my auditors were my roommates at the Fort Harrison, right when you were in "Security" below at the Fort Harrison entrance.
You Apollo vets I think many more than a few believed themselves to be faithful to LRH for eons past, in their past lives, and this lifetime continuing to follow LRH.
I grasped that concept in the auditing internship, my own auditor even told me once he was one of the officers in one of the space ship incident engrams he was "running" me on, and he got in trouble for "evalidating" to me, but otherwise, when Scientologists recognized one another from a past live, or Scientologists claimd to have served or followed LRH earlier in cosmic history, this was acceptable stuff to remember, LOL.
That all really is deeply disturbing, Hubbard heavily personally implied such coincidences might indicate we have multi lives spanning "postulates" in our soul minds, driving us to follow this "great soul" Hubbard (Cooley's words, I hated but I see what Cooley meant), around the universe like a pack of faithful dogs.
It's sickening megalomaniacal fantasy, to "go there" into thoughts of being some soul that follows Hubbard the soul as Hubbard goes where he goes, in the cosmos.
It's one of the things if one reads the soul memories of a lot of Sea Org members in particular, they get into having met LRH in past lives, and even being audited by LRH in past lives, it's not a healthy thing to get into this kind of imagining of one's connection to the great soul Hubbard.
All the connections to Hubbard which one ever had in one's cosmic past, and any "this lifetime" incidents in one's life, are secondary and part of the "show" to one's ego image.
Dreaming up connections past life wise to Hubbard was sickening to me.
Scientology in my mind was "case" elimination. "case spiritual charge" is the target, not "significance" is one of Hubbard's own "tech" points for "case supervision" direction how to help/alleviate a person of their "case" and "charge" in their soul memories accumulation personal status.
(Tony has written extensively on this subject as well)
"Hubbard’s Affirmations, can themselves be seen as psychic whitewashing, or autobrainwashing. He several times admits or alludes to some fault or fear, and then wills a different, “ideal” reality for himself. “I must be convinced …” He was convincing himself, or willing himself convinced, of what a big, powerful, satyric, euphonious magus he was. At times he certainly acted the part. But his “tech” for brainwashing himself, for whitewashing his knowledge of his past, his inadequacies, his failures, was itself a failure. It doesn’t work. It adds more things that need more whitewashing.
An indispensable tactic in the Scientologists program is to not deal logically and maturely with challenges to lies, fraud, abuse and persecutions, but to attack the challenger. Hubbard called this scriptural policy “attack the attacker,” and countenanced only attack in response to challenge. The Scientologists automatically, of course, call challenges, no matter how legitimate, “attacks.” In reaction, they attack the character, credibility or believability of the persons the Scientologists consider stand in the way of a complete whitewash job."
Hubbard’s methods and overall approach to his life and Scientology aligns with the maturity level of a 5 year old.
A child at that age is delusional, often upset if he or she doesn’t get their way, when they are disciplined for obvious wrong behavior they end up hating their parents or teacher as the enemy and when confronted with the truth they run away.
So here is a grown man who learned to do credible research work and could recognize some basic truths and could skillfully plagiarize and organize them. He saw an opportunity to set himself up as an expert on the mind and all things spiritual. And rather than build a successful career that might require real effort and original thought and skills Hubbard saw an easy and childishly clever way to make a lot of money and become a Demi-god. “Start your own religion”.
This short interlude of him becoming a bigamist again is one more example of little Ronny Hubbard lying, running from his existing marriage and getting his own way. Ann Jensen somehow intuitively saw through the huckster and saved herself from a royal headache. Thanks for the story Tony. More crazy documented history of L. Ron Hubbard marches on.
Oh that Lron! What a ladies man, what a hunk of testosterone laden hunk of a man. I guess his teeth weren't so bad in '49. Thank you Lauren Wolf and all the other unnamed 'correspondents' who fill in the picture and show us what a scumbag Lron was.
I grew up in the 50s, reading Highlights For Children. I must’ve read some if not most of her stories. Huh! How about that.
Yes, Kate, I too. I was in Alaska and that’s pretty much all us children had to read. First was Goofus and Gallant cartoon then the stories and games. Ahhhh the simple life 💕
Amazing coincidence of life. (I know you aren't implying this, but what a coincidence which if one were a Scientologist, this would tend to land you into Hubbard's midst as you did later in life, you became one of the persons in one of the all time iconic LRH photos, you were utterly one of the Hubbard's favored "musicians" and in the iconic LRH photo you sit frontrow!!). Like a cosmic "plan". Neil, I know you think Hubbard's a rat, but while in, and during your auditing, did you drum up past lives intersections with Hubbard in your whole track delving?
When I personally first started running gobs of past lives, my auditors were my roommates at the Fort Harrison, right when you were in "Security" below at the Fort Harrison entrance.
You Apollo vets I think many more than a few believed themselves to be faithful to LRH for eons past, in their past lives, and this lifetime continuing to follow LRH.
I grasped that concept in the auditing internship, my own auditor even told me once he was one of the officers in one of the space ship incident engrams he was "running" me on, and he got in trouble for "evalidating" to me, but otherwise, when Scientologists recognized one another from a past live, or Scientologists claimd to have served or followed LRH earlier in cosmic history, this was acceptable stuff to remember, LOL.
That all really is deeply disturbing, Hubbard heavily personally implied such coincidences might indicate we have multi lives spanning "postulates" in our soul minds, driving us to follow this "great soul" Hubbard (Cooley's words, I hated but I see what Cooley meant), around the universe like a pack of faithful dogs.
It's sickening megalomaniacal fantasy, to "go there" into thoughts of being some soul that follows Hubbard the soul as Hubbard goes where he goes, in the cosmos.
It's one of the things if one reads the soul memories of a lot of Sea Org members in particular, they get into having met LRH in past lives, and even being audited by LRH in past lives, it's not a healthy thing to get into this kind of imagining of one's connection to the great soul Hubbard.
All the connections to Hubbard which one ever had in one's cosmic past, and any "this lifetime" incidents in one's life, are secondary and part of the "show" to one's ego image.
Dreaming up connections past life wise to Hubbard was sickening to me.
Scientology in my mind was "case" elimination. "case spiritual charge" is the target, not "significance" is one of Hubbard's own "tech" points for "case supervision" direction how to help/alleviate a person of their "case" and "charge" in their soul memories accumulation personal status.
Presented as background for Ron doing whatever he wanted to whomever he wanted whenever he wanted, without remorse...
From https://gerryarmstrong.ca/the-affirmations-what-was-l-ron-hubbard-thinking/
(Tony has written extensively on this subject as well)
"Hubbard’s Affirmations, can themselves be seen as psychic whitewashing, or autobrainwashing. He several times admits or alludes to some fault or fear, and then wills a different, “ideal” reality for himself. “I must be convinced …” He was convincing himself, or willing himself convinced, of what a big, powerful, satyric, euphonious magus he was. At times he certainly acted the part. But his “tech” for brainwashing himself, for whitewashing his knowledge of his past, his inadequacies, his failures, was itself a failure. It doesn’t work. It adds more things that need more whitewashing.
An indispensable tactic in the Scientologists program is to not deal logically and maturely with challenges to lies, fraud, abuse and persecutions, but to attack the challenger. Hubbard called this scriptural policy “attack the attacker,” and countenanced only attack in response to challenge. The Scientologists automatically, of course, call challenges, no matter how legitimate, “attacks.” In reaction, they attack the character, credibility or believability of the persons the Scientologists consider stand in the way of a complete whitewash job."
More proof about what a liar Hubbard was.
Whenever I think of LRH, “gross” comes to mind. Just GROSS.
Hubbard’s methods and overall approach to his life and Scientology aligns with the maturity level of a 5 year old.
A child at that age is delusional, often upset if he or she doesn’t get their way, when they are disciplined for obvious wrong behavior they end up hating their parents or teacher as the enemy and when confronted with the truth they run away.
So here is a grown man who learned to do credible research work and could recognize some basic truths and could skillfully plagiarize and organize them. He saw an opportunity to set himself up as an expert on the mind and all things spiritual. And rather than build a successful career that might require real effort and original thought and skills Hubbard saw an easy and childishly clever way to make a lot of money and become a Demi-god. “Start your own religion”.
This short interlude of him becoming a bigamist again is one more example of little Ronny Hubbard lying, running from his existing marriage and getting his own way. Ann Jensen somehow intuitively saw through the huckster and saved herself from a royal headache. Thanks for the story Tony. More crazy documented history of L. Ron Hubbard marches on.
Oh that Lron! What a ladies man, what a hunk of testosterone laden hunk of a man. I guess his teeth weren't so bad in '49. Thank you Lauren Wolf and all the other unnamed 'correspondents' who fill in the picture and show us what a scumbag Lron was.
nice story
Is LRH solely noted for this or are there other examples of Scientologists, or doctrine about, practicing bigamy?