I just went to Orsen Scott Card’s website and wrote this to him:

“ To Orsen,

I have been a longtime fan of your writing since the beginning. I am disappointed. I saw that you were a judge at the 2024 Writers Of The Future contest. Giving support to a Scientology front group shows me you have not done due diligence. I was a celebrity member for 46 years and lost both my children to the cult when I finally left the organization. Please seriously look into what you are lending your name and reputation. Scientology abuses and fraud are legion. Do the research as if you were writing a story about it. And find out the truth.”

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Well done. 👏🏻

Hope it gives him something to think about.

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Seeing Emily every year at the awards show is the only time Phil and Willy Jones get to see her. That is beyond sad. At least the workers at ASI have to get at least minimum wage. That is a huge payoff for those who are in Miscavige's favor. Every other Sea bOrg can just eat dirt. 'Minimum wage' doesn't go very far in LA, so how do the ASI workers eat?

Why aren't John Travolta or Tom Cruise 'presenting'? Both have Sci-fi cred and could bring more press attention to the show. I bet that both don't want to be overly, publicly involved in that $cieno show.

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Seeing Emily makes me sad. I’d like to say “oh she looks so good,” but you never would have guessed what was happening with me when you saw my public face. I hope her job with the public gives her the chance to somehow escape and I hope she cares enough about her brother to get him out too.

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This galls me as Orsen Scott Card was one of my favorite scifi and fiction writers. Based on his writings and story themes he should have seen through the lies and abuse of Scientology long ago.

I will write him and again express my disappointment at his involvement with the cult front group.

And I know Jim Meskimen well. A talent who destroyed a budding career as an impressionist to shill for Scientology. And actors Lee Purcell and Michelle Stafford who now can’t get arrested in Hollywood. A waste of talent.

And Phil and Willie’s daughter representing Hubbards writings and this disingenuous contest is painful to see. I have two children who have not spoken to me in over 6 years so I know how they feel.

Thanks Tony for continuing to expose the many ways Scientology tries to keep itself legitimate when in truth they don’t care about anything but covering up their tarnished and disgraceful image as criminals and fraudsters.

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Card is a monstrous homophobe who is deep in the cult of Joseph Smith, the L. Ron Hubbard of the nineteenth century. It pains me to say that since his books meant a great deal to me when I was younger. But his crusade against gay marriage was shocking and vindictive. So, it doesn’t surprise me to see him at this crappy award ceremony since he’s been canceled pretty much everywhere else.

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I vaguely remember that being the case. None the less I wrote on his website just now and posted here what I wrote him.

I did notice Card is doing an interview with Ben Shapiro this week who is a MAGA maggot. That tells me that Card is seriously messed up politically. So what you wrote makes complete sense. What a waste. His talent is now squandered.

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Even the LDS faith is now sort of accepting gays in the most convoluted way possible. We learned there when my husband’s brother’s daughter came out. He sent the family an email explaining this was ok with this attached.

Feelings of same-sex attraction are not a sin. President M. Russell Ballard said: “Let us be clear: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believes that ‘the experience of same-sex attraction is a complex reality for many people. The attraction itself is not a sin, but acting on it is. Even though individuals do not choose to have such attractions, they do choose how to respond to them. With love and understanding, the Church reaches out to all God’s children, including [those with same-sex attraction].’”

While same-sex attraction is not a sin, it can be a challenge. While one may not have chosen to have these feelings, he or she can commit to keep God’s commandments. The parent of a child who experiences same-sex attraction or identifies as gay should choose to love and embrace that child. As a community of Church members, Latter-day Saints should create a welcoming environment.

Those who experience same-sex attraction or identify as gay can fully participate in the Church. As a Church policy says, “If members feel same-sex attraction and are striving to live the law of chastity, leaders support and encourage them in their resolve. These members may receive Church callings, hold temple recommends, and receive temple ordinances if they are worthy. Male Church members may receive and exercise the priesthood. The circumstances of some faithful members do not allow them to receive the blessings of eternal marriage and parenthood in this life.

So you can be gay, just don’t act on it, get married or have kids. Ok.

Orson Scott Card has shot himself in the foot in several “religions” now.

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I worked at ASI 92 to 95, and one year I read some of the entries, and one of my favorite read stories was from an LDS mother, her story was about an "OT" therapist of a future prison planet, the "OT" therapist was the good guy person hero of the story! I loved it. Sci-fi story telling, I could get lost in it, some of it is so good. The LDS mother author received a quarterly award for her story.

(The story rings in my head to this day. A telepathic therapist who is angelic morally, therapising and revolutionizing the lives of murderous criminals on that planet system, so unlike anything the cult Scientology is capable of.)

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As I read the itinerary for this, all I could see was the eventful protesting that is happening at so many of the orgs now. I think maybe they should be concentrating on their ability to communicate with anyone at anytime and also ‘confront’ and shatter tech.

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1. Why ARE they willing to spend all that money each year on it?

2. What the heck is a "New Millennium Disseminator for Planetary Dissemination"?

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I was ASI staff May 1992 until Dec 1995, and was a sidelines staffer in the background at the Writers and Illustrator events those years.

I used to be the Computer Operations Officer those years, 92 to 95, and when the Contests happened, us lesser staff did doorman jobs, watching the exits, LOL. I also helped Rachel a few times on some computer things, here and there.

Everything ran internally like a Sea Org unit, at ASI, in those years, and "Galaxy" didn't exist back then.

We worked 9am to 11:30pm with a weekend trip to be at Int Base weekly briefing by Miscavige, if he was there to give it. ASI would go to Int/Gold for study all day Saturdays.

The ASI Hubbard orders are quite extensive, probably 10 solid pages, for the contests, so it's a mainstay for ASI.

The other mainstay duties of ASI are collecting the fees paid weekly paid for "license agreements" which all the major front groups and major Scientology higher orgs, sign and have to pay fees for using one or another of the "LRH properties". This is on top of LRH Trust royalties collections that ASI does.

That's the money that goes to CST, the bulk of all ASI collected income goes to CST/Archives.

The ASI registrars (sales persons) used to sell the leatherbound LRH books, and the specialty leadbound "Classic Fiction Series" of 100 or so leatherbound pulp books republished by ASI. The regs for ASI also sought straight donations for CST/Archives, and ASI always had a special room which had some of the CST/Archives titanium capsules (with their gold outer cover sheets) and copies of various CST/Archives paraphernalia for archiving Hubbard's "legacy" writings and lectures for the long range. That display of the CST/Archives stuff at ASI was kept secluded so only donors got the show and tell of it, to bilk them for donations to the Archives Project.

The various parts of existing ASI/Galaxy are ALL LRH orders based, and thus, so long as someone in the ranks, coming later on in the future after Miscavige, so long as someone adheres to LRH's orders, then these various sub parts of ASI and Galaxy will continue.

Missing, from all the material that's come out about ASI, is a fuller picture of the LRH traffic for ASI. That would tell what will be left, once official Scientology is "gone" from the scene.

But, honestly, sadly, the cult has accumulated so much wealth, that the longer range maintenance of all they've accumulated, with the dwindling number of dedicated Sea Org members to rise up, read the LRH orders for the tippy top units like ASI and CST, it takes people to DO those longer range Hubbard orders.

It takes a flow of Sea Org members who "qualify" to hold those upper unit jobs, and collect the "license agreement" fees, collect the LRH Trust "LRH Properties" royalties, maintain the Hubbard knick knacks at CST sites, including the preservation of the "LRH originals" materials (things touched by Hubbard, or written or typed by Hubbard).

Things are far far more detailed and there is a whole boatload of money sloshing around in the accounts which likely just a very few people know where the top piggy bank accounts that Miscavige oversees ultimate distribution of that money that's been accumulated.

That money will take some time to dribble out. Scientology's not gonna die quickly, due to the money piggy banked.

Personnel dwindling likely will be their biggest challenge, to man all these final units Hubbard wrote in his final 5-10 years or orders to be fulfilled:


WDC/Exec Strata




If the LRH final years of orders were made public, then outsiders would see their personnel problem trying to execute those orders for the above final units Hubbard wished for.

CST is funded by ASI, so those two are tied together. The ASI LRH orders are tied directly into funding CST, and CST is the long range Hubbard pipe dream that is seriously being smoked by the CSTers.

Chuck Beatty

long term dupe, Sea Org 1975 to 2003

PS: Once one gets into ASI or Galaxy staff, one's pretty much solid indoctrinated to follow LRH orders and policies to the letter, no questions asked. One's on board. Hubbard's orders are studied and re-studied, and those orders aren't going away, so they have their script/"marching orders" of what to do, always, long range. New people to assume the roles, hiring and moving up people to be in the upper units, is the long range problem, the hurdles to fill the jobs is harder, since Scientology is such a toxic operation.

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