Thank you so much, Tammy, for sharing your experiences with us. I watched on YouTube and you did such a good job. Speaking out can be hard, but you never know how much it will help others.

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Dear unregistered readers. I am also a simple reader. If you read the articles that Toni Ortega contributes here, it is because you are sensitive to the consequences of all kinds that reach us, from people who had to do with Scientology. Mark Plummer was one of those very special people, for having the big heart and courage to inform the public as a former Scientologist, to ensure that people know, and are more independent and fortunate in their lives, thus assuming the policy of that organization, against those who denounce after leaving, converted to 'SP' and what this implies in their lives as an objective to harm, of those who still believe in that social group.

This man deserves to have a dignified funeral, simply, but the situation that the family faced makes them have to go through a double inconvenience, being forced to have to receive donations for the funeral of the admirable and dear man, by all those who had the opportunity. honor and pleasure of knowing this great man: Mark Plummer.

Most of us have a fair economy to live on, but believe it or not, even 1 dollar can mean a lot; more than you think, and it is totally anonymous.. “A barn is many small grains”.. and life takes many turns..

After capturing it, through the link you will be able to see what has been donated so far, and what is necessary for the important day of final farewell to their family and friends.

Thank you very much in advance.

If you are so kind, share it.


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