It’s certainly a bad look for Linkin Park. I hope Emily’s career with them lasts as long as her Instagram Story did. If she doesn’t have the courage to at least let the public respond to her post, how does that bode for her in a live concert? Does she think that the entire audience will be googly eyed worshippers?
It’s certainly a bad look for Linkin Park. I hope Emily’s career with them lasts as long as her Instagram Story did. If she doesn’t have the courage to at least let the public respond to her post, how does that bode for her in a live concert? Does she think that the entire audience will be googly eyed worshippers?
Linkin Park has set itself up for controversy and concerts plagued with protests at best.
It’s certainly a bad look for Linkin Park. I hope Emily’s career with them lasts as long as her Instagram Story did. If she doesn’t have the courage to at least let the public respond to her post, how does that bode for her in a live concert? Does she think that the entire audience will be googly eyed worshippers?
Linkin Park has set itself up for controversy and concerts plagued with protests at best.