It’s certainly a bad look for Linkin Park. I hope Emily’s career with them lasts as long as her Instagram Story did. If she doesn’t have the courage to at least let the public respond to her post, how does that bode for her in a live concert? Does she think that the entire audience will be googly eyed worshippers?

Linkin Park has set itself up for controversy and concerts plagued with protests at best.

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OR, I hope Linkin Park does a rendition of the "No OTs" song, as that song needs repeating:


Emily needs to sing this tune publicly!

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I hope someone/some of these music artists write an anthem classic hit all time rememberable song about malign cults detrimental influence on society.

Right on target these quoted comments of Yashar's.

This is going to hurt Linkin Park. Wrong choice on their part choosing an unreformed Scientologist blindly stuck in dead Hubbard's malign cult regulations that does society no good.

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Linkin Park's new singer will live or crash if album sales and concerts sell well. Nothing else matters in corporate music land. Emily Armstrong looks like the usual $cieno victim and victimizer. That she 'apologized' for supporting Rapey McRaper is very strange.

All she had to do was say she was there to appeal a parking ticket or something equally mundane. I can see where her Clammy friends got her to 'support' Rapey, and that backfired wonderfully once Rapey was convicted. I wonder if Emily has noticed that looking after $cientology's Public Relations were not in the least in her best interest?

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It's in the nature of a coercive organisation, like the criminal organisation known as the "church" of $cientology, to make its victims do things that are not in their interest. And the victim might have to leave before they realise that.

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LinkIn Park should think twice regarding having Armstrong in the band. I have well over 50 years of experience regarding how toxic Scientology is for music artists. It only takes one Scientologist to put a monkey wrench into any creative project. My documentary Brothers Broken lays out how horrible it was for my band PEOPLE! while we were having a hit record.

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