Once again, we want to remind you that no matter how grim things seem to be for Scientology recruiting and public relations, it’s an organization that never gives up.
Why do Clams keep donating to the IAS and the Idle mOrg project? Habit? $cienoes have been donating ever since the IRS wouldn't give them a tax exemption. And that morphed into an income stream that Miscavige could not ignore. Hence, the Stupor Powerz and Ideal Org projects. That allowed a lot of lee way in how money was distributed and spent. It took something like 20 years to collect money for 1 building in Clearwater. And all the while, so many fingers were in the pie that estimates of 2 or 3x the actual cost were collected. That gives management a lot of incentive to keep the income stream flowing. That is the management side of 'fund raising'.
The reasons that hoi polloi donate are myriad. Sunk costs, 'ethics' handling, paying the toll to keep seeing your Sea bOrg children, all reasons to keep donating. Throw in the bowling trophies for those who donate the most and you create a culture that Amway would be proud to emulate. I can see why the whales donate, for the ego stroking and by being made 'opinion leaders' and being extolled by management. As the ability and skills needed to recruit have fallen by the wayside, where do the foot soldiers who have sales skills go? They go after the Whales, those commissions can (or used to) support a good life style.
There is very little that you get told “good job” for in Scientology. When you complete a course or auditing, you are forced to come up with a “success story” about how it made you feel. Then the next step is to rush straight to the reg to give more money and sign up for a new course. If you have enough money to just plain donate, you get attaboys, recognition, trophies, etc. In a group where you spend most if your life being or avoiding being punished, the best way to get a chance to feel good is fork over the cash.
50 years in. Here’s my view of these brainwashed fools. They cannot give up their only really important purpose in life. Supporting Scientology. The cognitive dissonance is so strong they cannot see the very obvious scam Miscavige continues to forward.
What would happen if they lost their sky high purpose to save the world? They wouldn’t know what to do. They are filled with lies that make sure they won’t help anyone out of the goodness of their hearts. In fact most Scientologists have no compassion or hearts left. They couldn’t possibly support a real charitable organization that helps those who need help. That’s the cult dogma at work.
Once a rich dupe is hooked, Scientology/Hubbard has 'em for a while.
Thanks to L. Ron's full maze of regulations and requirements, and hoops, and self praise brainwashing false claims of saving the world, and all the various things richer folks are able to put off, like their consciences which they lost once they put their faith in Hubbard, taking Hubbard's false claims of Scientology's worthwhileness to humanity's solving earth's problems, with the Hubbard pattting the dupes on the heads with bowling trophies, etc.
Hubbard's pat the rich dupes on the head successful actions, the IAS always gives the big donors all sorts of goodies too, baskets of nick nacks, I saw my boss's IAS delivered basket of goodies once, it was tawdry Christmas season basket type of stuff.
The bigger the cheeze donors, I'm sure their "thankyou" baskets are of a whole different order from IAS for the big donations.
The rich Scientologists fit the lottery winning role Hubbard outlined of the "big beings" of earth, they make the big money contributions, they are putting the Ideal Orgs buildings there for humanity.
If not for the increased wealth in the world, and if not for rich Scientology "hard selling" IAS regges doing their semi "crim regging", and then the guilting ala Hubbard's "Hard Sell" salesmanship policies.
There used to be a "Hard Sell" whole binder that was extant back in the 1980s, with all of the LRH references for "hard selling" "crim regges" to use to guilt the dupes into paying up.
If money increasingly available to spend,
Then dupes with extra money to burn.
Con operations seek out those dupes, rake in the richer dupes' money.
Con continues, at least in outward appearance, meaning buildings as show cases, and self praising in house media/videoing of meager successes of the con.
I wonder what the real "top" opinion leaders who don't speak up, I wonder what people like Greta Van Susteren thinks about the Hubbard scam, and if she's ever given it much thought.
It'd be great is she'd read "Going Clear...." and read all the other critical books, and agree to a sitdown long interview with Tony, and ask her some pointed questions if she really thinks what Hubbard's goals are and how they aren't being achieved. Greta surely cannot think Scientology is making a dent in fixing earth.
I wonder where she is on the Hubbard stepladder of quackery, and who gave her her auditing/exorcism.
Why do Clams keep donating to the IAS and the Idle mOrg project? Habit? $cienoes have been donating ever since the IRS wouldn't give them a tax exemption. And that morphed into an income stream that Miscavige could not ignore. Hence, the Stupor Powerz and Ideal Org projects. That allowed a lot of lee way in how money was distributed and spent. It took something like 20 years to collect money for 1 building in Clearwater. And all the while, so many fingers were in the pie that estimates of 2 or 3x the actual cost were collected. That gives management a lot of incentive to keep the income stream flowing. That is the management side of 'fund raising'.
The reasons that hoi polloi donate are myriad. Sunk costs, 'ethics' handling, paying the toll to keep seeing your Sea bOrg children, all reasons to keep donating. Throw in the bowling trophies for those who donate the most and you create a culture that Amway would be proud to emulate. I can see why the whales donate, for the ego stroking and by being made 'opinion leaders' and being extolled by management. As the ability and skills needed to recruit have fallen by the wayside, where do the foot soldiers who have sales skills go? They go after the Whales, those commissions can (or used to) support a good life style.
There is very little that you get told “good job” for in Scientology. When you complete a course or auditing, you are forced to come up with a “success story” about how it made you feel. Then the next step is to rush straight to the reg to give more money and sign up for a new course. If you have enough money to just plain donate, you get attaboys, recognition, trophies, etc. In a group where you spend most if your life being or avoiding being punished, the best way to get a chance to feel good is fork over the cash.
50 years in. Here’s my view of these brainwashed fools. They cannot give up their only really important purpose in life. Supporting Scientology. The cognitive dissonance is so strong they cannot see the very obvious scam Miscavige continues to forward.
What would happen if they lost their sky high purpose to save the world? They wouldn’t know what to do. They are filled with lies that make sure they won’t help anyone out of the goodness of their hearts. In fact most Scientologists have no compassion or hearts left. They couldn’t possibly support a real charitable organization that helps those who need help. That’s the cult dogma at work.
What a waste.
Once a rich dupe is hooked, Scientology/Hubbard has 'em for a while.
Thanks to L. Ron's full maze of regulations and requirements, and hoops, and self praise brainwashing false claims of saving the world, and all the various things richer folks are able to put off, like their consciences which they lost once they put their faith in Hubbard, taking Hubbard's false claims of Scientology's worthwhileness to humanity's solving earth's problems, with the Hubbard pattting the dupes on the heads with bowling trophies, etc.
Hubbard's pat the rich dupes on the head successful actions, the IAS always gives the big donors all sorts of goodies too, baskets of nick nacks, I saw my boss's IAS delivered basket of goodies once, it was tawdry Christmas season basket type of stuff.
The bigger the cheeze donors, I'm sure their "thankyou" baskets are of a whole different order from IAS for the big donations.
The rich Scientologists fit the lottery winning role Hubbard outlined of the "big beings" of earth, they make the big money contributions, they are putting the Ideal Orgs buildings there for humanity.
If not for the increased wealth in the world, and if not for rich Scientology "hard selling" IAS regges doing their semi "crim regging", and then the guilting ala Hubbard's "Hard Sell" salesmanship policies.
There used to be a "Hard Sell" whole binder that was extant back in the 1980s, with all of the LRH references for "hard selling" "crim regges" to use to guilt the dupes into paying up.
If money increasingly available to spend,
Then dupes with extra money to burn.
Con operations seek out those dupes, rake in the richer dupes' money.
Con continues, at least in outward appearance, meaning buildings as show cases, and self praising in house media/videoing of meager successes of the con.
I wonder what the real "top" opinion leaders who don't speak up, I wonder what people like Greta Van Susteren thinks about the Hubbard scam, and if she's ever given it much thought.
It'd be great is she'd read "Going Clear...." and read all the other critical books, and agree to a sitdown long interview with Tony, and ask her some pointed questions if she really thinks what Hubbard's goals are and how they aren't being achieved. Greta surely cannot think Scientology is making a dent in fixing earth.
I wonder where she is on the Hubbard stepladder of quackery, and who gave her her auditing/exorcism.