Scientology may not be on trial here, but enough scientology is getting in to make anyone paying attention think twice about ever going near them.

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Oh my god this poor woman.

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These poor girls, so proud of them for going through this trial.

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Just unbearable. Keep going, ladies, you're amazing.

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That was hard to read. JD3 was/is incredibly brave to go through that. But she did get the job done. Now how will the cross exam go? The $cieno angle was brought up properly and the testimony did address why and how that was necessary.

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“Prospering in life”, “ethics protection”. Even in his role just as a Scientologist, I would have considered him a douche bag.

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We all know celebrities don't have to follow the same rules, but actually knowing he directly said that, "I don't have to," is really something.

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As an ex-Scientologist with long-term PTSD, her panic attack really got to me. I suffer from panic attacks as a result of my own involvement.

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Wishing you peace.

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God, she's brave. I worked myself up into a panic attack last night just getting into a thought spiral about how hard it is to wrap your own mind around the idea that a long-term partner has in fact raped you, let alone convince other people, and that was 25 years ago. I can't imagine having to then proceed to try to convince ~crazy~ people that it's actually a real life thing that happens, and then have to do it all over in public. She's a goddamn superhero in my eyes. And yeah, presumption of innocence, Constitution, all that good shit fully applies, but from here it seems pretty settled that he's pure trash no matter what other fun epithets he may or may not earn legally.

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WOW. Just. WOW.

Even without the crappiness that is scientology, this is harsh. Add the cult's bs and you get soul-sucking, mind-warping, life-destroying stuff. So glad JD3 survived, got support and is now able to speak out, no doubt at cost to herself, reliving the nightmare.

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