We’re still waiting to see how Scientology’s legal team is going to answer Leah Remini’s lawsuit against David Miscavige and the church, but once again Leah is not waiting around as she files another motion with the court.
I am so proud of Leah. It boggles my mind that DM and Scientology are proving Leah’s accusations by ramping up the stalking and intimidation. This is what our tax dollars in the US fund and it infuriates me.
I hope the clerks for judges who handle any scientology civil or criminal cases anywhere are well-informed about the "church" of scientology's roughly 70-year DOCUMENTED legacy of criminality.
If you’re lying you’re dying??? These COS POS’s should be in jail for stalking people. Poor Mike trying to deal with his diagnoses and treatment while being stalked daily, how unnerving and pathetic.
Truly. Scientology needs it's Church Tax Exempt status (a.k.a "religious freedom") governmentally revoked. They're using it as a shield to contractually and systematically abuse people - on tax-payers dollars.
I find it appalling SCI continues to harass Leah, her family, business friends and associates; and especially that it's been getting away with it for years. Leah is so strong to stay the course and just keep going. I intend she prevails!!!
For every act of immature and puerile "revenge" on Leah and on Mike Rinder, ---someone is repelled by the Kult of Scientology.
For every low-class, jr. high antic where Leah reveals the pathetic truth about the Kult behavior--someone else is outraged. It shouldn't take too long before public awareness overwhelms the immoral Kult.
Xenu R6 implanted too many body-thetans for which too many humans still haven't exorcized off themselves all their Xenu R6 implanted body-thetans, too much R6 floating around in everyone's heads.
Why didn't L. Ron Hubbard just come up with some OT Group Processing technques so that OT 8 Scientologists could do some Group Exorcism for the world, of all of Xenu's R6 implanted body-thetans, and just spare the world from having to stumble into Scientology organizations and spend millions of dollars to get up the Hubbard stepladder of quackery to finally get to the OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exorcism steps.
I mean, if Scientology's soul theories are correct, the trouble with earth are Xenu's dumping the R6 implanted body-thetans on the world, that's the problem.
Why doesn't Scientology do some OT research where Hubbard left off, and target the Xenu R6 implanted body-thetans of the world?
Not target the "enemies" of current official Scientology.
The world doesn't need OSA "Handling Programs."
The world, supposedly per the Hubbard Xenu R6 implanted body-thetans spiritual tragedy of earth, needs to just get all this R6 implanting out of our human minds, and the world will be a better place!
Scientology should stick with their quackery pseudo-therapy and exorcism, and stop all their "Handling Programs" and just dissolve OSA already.
It's all Hubbard's fault for not sticking to his con pseudo-therapy/exorcism, and getting all into his militaristic staffing cult bureaucracy blaming everyone else but himself.
Scientology is just pseudo-therapy and exorcism quackery, they should stick to that, not go all OSA "Handling Programs" on their enemies! It's Hubbard's fault.
Chuck Beatty
ex first gen Scientology dupe/staffer/quitter 75 to 03
“Attacking sources of income is described as an ‘ideal :’ ‘IDEAL SCENE: Attackers against Scientology located and removed from their positions of power so that Scientology can get on with it. And any threat of attack restrained, leaving Scientology a clear field.’ Attacking someone's income also makes them vulnerable: ‘[t]hese persons can always lose their jobs. These jobs, permitting them power to destroy, are valuable to them. This is A POINT OF VULNERABILITY’…
Holy Xenu. This comes from one of the super secret GO/OSA docs, probably listed as and "LRH advice". This doc is dynamite.
Let me start by saying, I'm no expert on this. I've just been following the story since Troublemaker came out.
That said, for anyone wondering how Scientology is still getting away with abuse, it's the "religious freedoms" afforded by their "Church" tax exempt status. It's important know this because Scientology is using tax-payer dollars (via it's tax-exempt status) as a racket and a shield to contractually abuse people, members and non-members alike - and to scoop up real estate, but I digress.
One of the ways to stop the abuse is for their church-tax-exempt status to be governmentally revoked. Here are links I found detailing governmental Church Tax Exempt Status frameworks.
I am so proud of Leah. It boggles my mind that DM and Scientology are proving Leah’s accusations by ramping up the stalking and intimidation. This is what our tax dollars in the US fund and it infuriates me.
I hope the clerks for judges who handle any scientology civil or criminal cases anywhere are well-informed about the "church" of scientology's roughly 70-year DOCUMENTED legacy of criminality.
YES!!!!! Leah’s the epitome of badass-ery! Please dear God let the injunction be granted.
If you’re lying you’re dying??? These COS POS’s should be in jail for stalking people. Poor Mike trying to deal with his diagnoses and treatment while being stalked daily, how unnerving and pathetic.
Truly. Scientology needs it's Church Tax Exempt status (a.k.a "religious freedom") governmentally revoked. They're using it as a shield to contractually and systematically abuse people - on tax-payers dollars.
I find it appalling SCI continues to harass Leah, her family, business friends and associates; and especially that it's been getting away with it for years. Leah is so strong to stay the course and just keep going. I intend she prevails!!!
For every act of immature and puerile "revenge" on Leah and on Mike Rinder, ---someone is repelled by the Kult of Scientology.
For every low-class, jr. high antic where Leah reveals the pathetic truth about the Kult behavior--someone else is outraged. It shouldn't take too long before public awareness overwhelms the immoral Kult.
Xenu R6 implanted too many body-thetans for which too many humans still haven't exorcized off themselves all their Xenu R6 implanted body-thetans, too much R6 floating around in everyone's heads.
Why didn't L. Ron Hubbard just come up with some OT Group Processing technques so that OT 8 Scientologists could do some Group Exorcism for the world, of all of Xenu's R6 implanted body-thetans, and just spare the world from having to stumble into Scientology organizations and spend millions of dollars to get up the Hubbard stepladder of quackery to finally get to the OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exorcism steps.
I mean, if Scientology's soul theories are correct, the trouble with earth are Xenu's dumping the R6 implanted body-thetans on the world, that's the problem.
Why doesn't Scientology do some OT research where Hubbard left off, and target the Xenu R6 implanted body-thetans of the world?
Not target the "enemies" of current official Scientology.
The world doesn't need OSA "Handling Programs."
The world, supposedly per the Hubbard Xenu R6 implanted body-thetans spiritual tragedy of earth, needs to just get all this R6 implanting out of our human minds, and the world will be a better place!
Scientology should stick with their quackery pseudo-therapy and exorcism, and stop all their "Handling Programs" and just dissolve OSA already.
It's all Hubbard's fault for not sticking to his con pseudo-therapy/exorcism, and getting all into his militaristic staffing cult bureaucracy blaming everyone else but himself.
Scientology is just pseudo-therapy and exorcism quackery, they should stick to that, not go all OSA "Handling Programs" on their enemies! It's Hubbard's fault.
Chuck Beatty
ex first gen Scientology dupe/staffer/quitter 75 to 03
Keyser Söze has nothing on these clowns. He seems harmless, compared to this group of “multi-level marketing”, psychotic looney-tunes...:)
“Attacking sources of income is described as an ‘ideal :’ ‘IDEAL SCENE: Attackers against Scientology located and removed from their positions of power so that Scientology can get on with it. And any threat of attack restrained, leaving Scientology a clear field.’ Attacking someone's income also makes them vulnerable: ‘[t]hese persons can always lose their jobs. These jobs, permitting them power to destroy, are valuable to them. This is A POINT OF VULNERABILITY’…
Holy Xenu. This comes from one of the super secret GO/OSA docs, probably listed as and "LRH advice". This doc is dynamite.
Let me start by saying, I'm no expert on this. I've just been following the story since Troublemaker came out.
That said, for anyone wondering how Scientology is still getting away with abuse, it's the "religious freedoms" afforded by their "Church" tax exempt status. It's important know this because Scientology is using tax-payer dollars (via it's tax-exempt status) as a racket and a shield to contractually abuse people, members and non-members alike - and to scoop up real estate, but I digress.
One of the ways to stop the abuse is for their church-tax-exempt status to be governmentally revoked. Here are links I found detailing governmental Church Tax Exempt Status frameworks.
Here's a link to the church tax-exempt IRS information page : https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/churches-integrated-auxiliaries-and-conventions-or-associations-of-churches
And a link to California's State Board of Equalization page on Church Exemption: https://www.boe.ca.gov/proptaxes/church_exemption.htm?fbclid=IwAR2xgVYunvZynVI80qLaRvt5DCwILUAhJAKHXsKL0ZsYyqZW7Z37A6XRle0#:~:text=The%20Church%20Exemption%20may%20be,and%20Taxation%20Code%20section%20206