As a cancer survivor I understand the toll the treatment takes on one’s body.

I think I understand why at this time he has chosen to speak out. And he deserves our time to listen to him.

Mike was so helpful to me when I finally got out of Scientology. I relate to his situation in terms of the stress that he has gone through to speak out against the cult and the incessant fair gaming he has gone through. And that stress does take a toll. I wish him good energy and wellness. I know what it takes. I’m still working daily on healing.

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I do not want to encourage discussions here about any drama, but I do have to be honest about two things from my end:

1. Many years ago I did occasionally watch ASL's videos; but I stopped because it seemed like 95% of them was him reading Bunker or Rinder posts wholesale.

Especially as someone who has been a content creator, that really turned me off and to not even offer links to the content he was reusing was extremely distasteful.

2. Despite others' many requests to do so, I appreciate how Tony and the Bunker have continued to not get involved in or report on any of the drama.

My respect for Tony grew even more as I saw him consistently refuse to be drawn in. My hat goes off to you sir for maintaining your focus and journalistic integrity.

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C Chicago, yes, I agree not acknowledging sources of material and hard work from other creators is a very bad sign. As a composer, I tried to share credits wherever they are due. Hopefully, this will play out in adjusted manner.

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I have only watched the first of Mike's videos, but my heart broke when he said his cancer has spread to his brain and spinal column. I greatly respect his strength especially to speak his truth in the face of his cancer battle. Sending him and his family so much love and positive energy.

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I just finished watching all seven videos. I will not join in the fray. I attempted to watch a couple of ASL videos when he first started. They seemed self serving. There are other channels I don’t watch either but, as with my personal politics, it’s my personal choice of podcasters and I don’t wish to advertise or debate my choices.

As for what Mike says: he is doing what he needs to do. I have and will always support him, he has helped me in ways too numerous to count. If you don’t want to watch all the videos, watch number seven. Mike is vulnerable, open and … well I’m crying now. Cancer really really sucks!

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I didn't know there was a 7th until your comment, Val. I jsut watched it. I choked up several times too. I don't know him, but feel a deep unconditional love for him and his family.

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One of Lron's fake medals was a Dutch one. As a Dutch admiral was in charge of Allied navel forces around Borneo the Edsall was probably under his command.

Get well Mike Rinder, we are all pulling for you.

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I dismissed the drama from the start but it was sad to watch Mike to have to deal with it. He has been a model of courage and honesty, to show the capacity we have to change.

I appreciate that Tony has taken a principled approach to all the recent things, and alerted us to what Mike has to say. I almost didn’t watch because I don’t think Mike has to say anything but wanted to better understand what he has been facing in so many ways.

Sometimes words are not enough.

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Incredible background info, I'd not heard before, and my reaction was that outsiders, never ins, smart long term interested outsiders, their wisdom and life experience is the best to have to help "us" ex's readapt to life.

All the old guard era outside professionals and media persons who have taken an interest in the Scientology saga, I wish their knowledge could be mind melded into "our" minds.

So much ongoing turmoil for ex's, navigating past their cult years.

Outsider never in comments have always been why I enjoyed all the chat sites. Ex's can do a lot, but getting input from "adult" mature outsiders, from professionals, the more of that, the better.

Mike's emotions had me crying also,

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I know there are a lot of mentions about not getting involved in the fray but there has to be some way to stop Aaron. I am sure he breaking some laws although I don't know which ones. He's turned so many people's lives upside down and this is when they were trying to recover from SCN turning their lives upside down. If anyone has any non-violent ideas on how to stop him, please comment below.

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Tony, thank you for sharing the updates from Mike. I just finished watching all six and of course, I had no idea of the extra turmoil he has been dealing with. However, I feel Scientology poisoned his body, which is why he's fighting cancer. I encouraged him, in my comments below some of his videos, to seek Naturopathic Doctors and the many alternative remedies. He can heal from this and irradicate the disease.

I'm disclosing more here than on my YT comments, but I feel it's important that anyone going through a health crisis like Mike, looks outside the deathcare system and finds Wellness Experts.

That said, I send my love to Mike, his family, and all of you. I intend Mike will be with us in good health for many years to come. 💜

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Yes, I agree. Been very helpful to deal with the stress from mental health point of view.

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