"but when you make a release you feel absolutely great." Seven year old Neil Gaiman understood the EP of $cientology 'courses' quite well. Selling that 'release' is the auditor's job and someone sold that Piece of Blue Sky to young Neil. Well done Hubbard, you slimy bastard.

Looks like Neil is getting the #metoo treatment. If any of the allegations are true, he deserves every bit of shade that can be thrown at him.

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People have choices. They can overcome their past or they can become their past. The hardest thing I have ever done is to quit blaming my past for who I am today. I am in no way perfect. However, I sincerely hope I have broken the chains that forced me to act how I did. If a person continues to use their past as an excuse to misbehave, what good did it do them to leave the past behind?

If the allegations against Neil are true, I sincerely hope they are put in a bright spotlight. It needs to be brought to light that this has been going on for as long as Scientology has existed. The worst of the worst have been sheltered by Scientology. The good ones have been broken or have escaped. This needs to end.

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Aside from whether this is caused by a SCN upbringing, it seems a combination of lots of success, lots of money, marriage issues at home, and lack of oversight from the people around combine to help create these Me Too situations. It happens across different religions, races, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Someone should dig in and see if there is a way to help these uber-successful individuals before they blow up their lives. I am not saying anyone of these people is blameless but all of them are smart enough to rise to the top of their game so I think there must be some way to convince them to keep their D$%^%k in their pants. or stop them when they start spiraling and are headed for trouble.

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