Louise Shekter wrote several of my all-time favourite articles at the Underground Bunker. She blew us away with her memory for detail and the wonderful way she wrote. I'm so excited to listen to today's podcast!

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Superb podcast. Louise is so intelligent, so fascinating to listen to.

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Louise Shekter is one of heroes, I worship her from afar. Read her previous writings, she has a wonderful way with words.

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I knew Rona Shekter and Mark Shekter during the 7 years I was involved in Scientology in Toronto. Hopefully they're both out of Scientology as well. I assume Louise is related to both of them. It was quite interesting hearing Louise's experience with both LRH and Miscavige. LRH was a low-life but he was the lesser of the two evils.

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Hey Tony, to answer your question, Jason Beghe was in a technical film about Sec Checking on the Space Ship. I think I watched it as part of my training for Level 2.

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Fascinating podcast. Thank you Louise and Tony.

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